Chapter 16

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"For him, i request you that, not let his death mean nothing," I pleaded with them "Tomorrow morning when we attack, we attack with pride and believe that we have been the reign of a traitor for far too long. It's time to get back our Kingdom," 


3rd Person POV:

Merlin and Arthur gathered the kids in the middle of the knight once everyone had enough sleep since everyone had to get back to Ealoran by morning. After an hour they had arrived in the borders of the druid camp and could see some people huddled around a few fires, multiple tents were scattered around the perimeter. Once the lot had reached the camp, Merlin jumped off his horse elegantly and made his way further into camp

"Emrys," Alaric said with a slight bow and bringing his hand forward "We were waiting for your arrival,"

"Thank you Alaric," Merlin replied with smile as he shakes the Druid leader's hand "We will be in relief knowing that the children are in safe hands and out of Ealoran,"

"Our pleasure," Alaric said "I see that King Arthur  and Princess Morgana have accompanied you, i hope they come i peace,"

Merlin nodded and motioned for Arthur and Morgana to come forward. The druids upon seeing the King's arrival were stiffened in one place holding on to their children. Both the royals  noticed it and tries tried their best not to startle anyone or give any rude impression, they were such peaceful people. His father had let his hatred get to him, Arthur wouldn't let the same thing happening to him

"King Arthur," Alaric nodded towards them "Princess Morgana,"

"No need of formalities," Morgana said smiling back 

Alaric gave them a small smile before all four were engrossed in talking about the children's safety and rubbing their hands around the fire because of the chilly night. Later Morgana and the knights were getting the children out of the carriages, the knights carrying to the ones who were asleep, which most of them. Some of the druids accompanied them, on setting up the tents and arranging the blankets so then the knights put the kids inside, all tucked in 

As Merlin had been here before, he was pretty familiar with some kids here. Especially a little orphan girl named Cora who was only 5 summers . Whenever Merlin used to come here, he would always get drawn to Cora for some reason, maybe it was because she resembled his sister a little or maybe it was simply that he cared for her. As soon as she saw Merlin, she  to 

As Arthur had been seated, he watched as the druid kids were around Merlin or for them-Emyrs. Arthur watched Merlin tell the kids some stories of their adventure and being a little dramatic about it making the kids giggle and laugh uncontrollably. But there was one girl, who was very attached to Merlin, currently she had her hands on her waist and was scolding some boy. And that made Arthur chuckle a little to himself, he would never have imagined this ever. He closed his eyes, resting for a bit but suddenly someone sat beside making him nudge a little

He opened his eyes i annoyance but saw it was his knights and Morgana sitting beside him and watching the people as Morgana offered him an apple which he gladly took. When it was their time to get going, Arthur and Morgana talked briefly with Alaric as Merlin finished up with the kids 

"Cora, please come here," Merlin said holding two beautiful rocks behind his back "I have a present for you,"

"What is it?" She asked curiously 

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