Chapter 20

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"On me," Merlin shouted over his lungs "For Ealoran,"

"FOR EALORAN," everyone chanted

And with that they ran forward, they first row of soldiers clashing their swords with the other 


3rd Person POV:

Atmosphere were full of shouts and screams, and smoke clouding the city's lower town. Red and sea green flashed brightly against the faint black capes. Dragons along with their riders flew over everyone sending fire balls where the mass Marcus' men were more in number. From every direction you could hear swords clashing and the chants of spells. However, in all the light coloured dragons, the one which stood out more was Bane with his dark blue scales shimmering in the sunlight giving a reflect of a black colour instead 

Somewhere in the mess, were two kings fighting for a cause they believed in, well one is king in the making anyway. Both fighting their way through the masses to the looming castle which was still oddly beautiful

"Mordred how is things looking up?" Merlin asked him hesitantly in his mind 

"Were doing good," Mordred said "I spoke with Morgana and she is in the castle with Sylvia and James,"

"Great, they can defeat the army from inside once even we get there," Merlin replied "Focus on the battle, and try to live,"

"Of course sire," Mordred teased 

Merlin grunted a little at the title but nonetheless, continued making his way through the men, chanting spells to get the men flying away do him and Arthur could get the citadel. As they ran in the citadel together they hid behind a wall for catching their breaths and as Merlin looked at the sky with his dragons above him he saw that Bane was looking incredibly happy, and you could tell that he was enjoying seeing Marcus' men burned down 

"Merlin, if you want to get your kingdom, we have to hurry," Arthur stated he tugged him aside when he saw a man taking a swing at Merlin

Both fought back to back, making their way to the castle only stopping when to fight. Arthur had been in attacks with Merlin many times, but he never thought that ever would he be fighting with his once-clumsy servant who now was finishing man after man swiftly and without any sort of struggle. Arthur looked at big wooden door which was only half open, so he could only see the half of the golden plated Ealoran's crest. As the two finally made their way in the castle, both could recognise some of their other knights from training and at the far end of the corridor

 Arthur looked at the citadel now, and could see a little of the city as well, it was nearly impossible to see who was winning or losing but they did still have a chance considering that both sides were diminishing in their own pace and may be who knows, they might even win. Merlin grabbed Arthur's wrist and dragged him with him on the marble stairs which led to the first floor. If the castle looked beautiful from afar, Arthur didn't have any words to describe how it looked from the inside

Arthur had never seen such fine stone before, sure it looked normal but at the same time it had a different vibe in it. It took everything in Arthur to stop himself from looking at everything more closely and he made a mental note to do so after the battle is over. Arthur was broken out of his trance, when suddenly Merlin turned around and clasped a hand on his mouth and shoved him to side hiding behind two walls.

 Arthur pays attention now and listens as two footsteps are heard and both have their weapons ready to strike. When the footsteps get closer and right where their hiding, both the men jump out with their swords positioned on the attackers' necks with another sword at Merlin's neck. But suddenly the three drew back their swords when they saw that it was only their sisters with Gwen and James who had the sword on Merlin

"Sorry," They mumble to each other 

"Come on, no time to waste," James said "We saw Marcus making his way to the throne room,"

"So he is not hiding this time huh," Merlin concluded and James gave a nod "Throne room it is then but wait. You guys go to the west wing, i believe they could use much more help then us

"Good luck," They bid them before leaving 

They gave him a nod and were running to the opposite side towards the west wing. Merlin and Arthur went for the throne room turning right and left again and again, Arthur had to pick up with Merlin, unless he would get lost if he missed a turn

"Couldn't your family built this castle a little less....confusing," Arthur complained 

"For times exactly like this had my great great grandfather built the castle in this way," Merlin stated "So the enemy would be confused and won't know the proper way anywhere, because a single corridor can lead you to many places,"

 Arthur just looked  stunned but didn't question more since this was not the time. They to a stop as Merlin slowed down their pace and crouched down a little peering through the corner his eyes setting on an arc shaped door which small detailing in golden colour, it looked some kind of piece of art

"Okay, so that is the throne room," Merlin explained "And their are roughly 13 guards, we can take them down, i hope"

Without a second thought, Merlin stood up and ran up catching the guards attention and with his battle cry. Arthur followed in pursuit to fight along side his lover. These guards where more skilled then they had thought. Suddenly there was a battle cry and flash of red capes as the 'Knights of the round table' joined their King and their new profound prince

"Thought you could use some help princesses," Gwaine smirked 

Both looked around them to find all the five knights fighting beside them. Lancelot and Elyan blocking blows which send towards them both when they were distract. And once again, they were fighting again, having each other's back at all times. Merlin thought for a moment, and quickly glanced at his friends thinking about from where he started and where they were right now. In his memories from Camelot, it was always like this, whether it was pesky bandits or major wars like this, they always each other's back

A King

A Lost Prince 

A Loyal Friend 

A Knight

A Commoner

A Gentle Giant 

A  Drunk

But right now, they were all equal, just as the round table supports. No man more greater than the other. They stood knighted with honour, loyalty and love. And of course a stronger unit together. It didn't matter to them where the other came from, but they knew that they were fighting for the same cause, a right cause, they were fighting for a Kingdom that deserved it's rightful heirs back 

Merlin shook his head a little as he hit the hilt of the sword on the man's forehead knocking him out. He really need to stop being distracted, especially at a time like this, then a voice in his head distracted him again 

"Merlin, west wing is cleared," Morgana's voice was heard "Were coming to the throne room,"

"Good work," Merlin replied feeling a little relieved knowing that they were alright. Then he tried to get in touch with Mordred but he was unable to and that made him a little uneasy 

He gripped his sword even more tighter at the thought of something happening to any of his friends, as he stuck the blade into another man. Then he saw his own knights coming as well followed by Marcus men

"What are all of you doing here!?" Merlin complained "You should be down there,"

"We are gaining the upper hand sire," Galahad said finishing two men already 

"Sire, go and seek out Marcus," Adrien shouted "We will handle here,"

Merlin paused for moment, not wanting to let his friends fight alone on this, after all they were fighting for his kingdom, he couldn't just leave them like this. He wanted to help his friends

"LEAVE SIRE!" Galahad shouted

"PROTECT ARTHUR," Merlin shouted back

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