Chapter 4

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"Who are you? And state your business in Camelot," Arthur said with authority

"Your majesty, we are the Knights of Ealoran," the tallest one answered

Merlin for a minute was looking at the knights suspiciously because the same knights had been in his dream and it simply can't just be a coincidence because he remembers every detail and it matches with the currently men standing in front of him

"I am Sir Galahad, and theses are Sirs Michael, Adrian and James," said the tallest one

"Why are you here?" Morgana asked them

"Precisely, we haven't gotten a word from Ealoran for 8 years now," Arthur mentioned

The Knights looked at each other like there were unsettled

"Sire we have come to you for help because of what happened 8 years ago," Sir Galahad answered " 8 years ago Sire, we were attacked by our most trusted man. Marcus, the King's brother. King Balinor had two heirs, eldest a son and a daughter both lost in the battle. That night we were with the crown prince in his chambers since were close friends and playing with the princess when suddenly screams were heard and the warning bells rang. We took the prince and princess to the throne room were we saw Marcus sitting on the throne and the king and Queen were restrained. We hid the heirs in a tunnel which led out of the castle and into the forest, and when we went back for the King and Queen, the King had been already killed but we were able to save the Queen. We safely led her and the heirs out of the Kingdom and from there on we were attacked by bandits which out numbered us and we lost the princess there and then we thought maybe the Queen and Prince didn't survive but we hadn't found their bodies and so it means there still there and that's when we came to you, to find out lost heirs and to regain out Kingdom,"

After Sir Galahad had finished everyone except for his knights were in shock. Everything bad happened FM their neighbouring Kingdom and they didn't even know about. But was sure that his father knew but didn't decide to help them. Merlin on the other hand was the most shocked since whatever Sir Galahad had described, the same scenario happened in his dream. Merlin had another sensation in him, he didn't know what it was but it was definitely something

"Tell me," Arthur sitting up on his throne "how was your kingdom before?"

"Sire, before anything you should know that our Kingdom allows magic and the King and crown prince both posses magic and both are bound to be dragonlords. Crown prince posses the most powerful and strongest magic in all the five kingdoms, after his father's death he was the last dragonlord" Sir James interrupted

At this Merlin was now more interested then ever. Though they claimed that the Kingdom had magic and most people were either born with practised magic, Merlin couldn't find a single trace of magic on any of the knights except for Sir Galahad, though Merlin doesn't know exactly what he was looking for

"Sire," Sir Galahad mumbled "Would you help us?" 

Arthur took a moment to think, he looked at Morgana who gave a slight nod since this were her kind of people and asking her for help so she gave a nod to Arthur 

"I will give my answer in the morning," Arthur said giving a slight smile "I am sure you know why,"

"Of course Sire," Sir Galahad replayed giving a light bow "I was hoping could we retire for the night,"

"Yes of course," Arthur said pointing to Merlin " Merlin will help you get to your chambers and bring you belongings,"

Merlin's POV:

As i and that Knights made eye contact, the Knights topped in their tracks for a moment, all four of them staring at me with disbelieve and shocked faces. Before anyone could say anything or suspicion could be raised the Knights made their way outside the throne room and outside into the stables where there horses were kept, all the while i followed behind them. Out of nowhere, when they were out of earshot from the King, the four knights bowed down to me and i had a million questions in my head starting from 'what the heck are they doing'

"Sire, we have been searching for you everywhere," Galahad still down on his knees 

"Uhh....No," i exclaim "I am not a prince, i would know that if i would,"

"Galahad what are you doing?" Michael says standing up and glaring at me "People may see,"

"Michael, we have our prince back no-" Galahad said before he was interrupted 

I couldn't take it anymore, they were talking about me like i was't here in front of them. How can i be their prince, i have never even been to Ealoran. Even during Uther's reign people feared that kingdom 

" Can you lot cut it out," I told not caring about their ranking for now "Are you sure the weather outside didn't mess with your head,"

The knights looked at me with a little shocked face before the more bulky one who i believe is Sir Adrian stepped forward 

"We can prove it Sire," He said and didn't even bother to correct him on the title "Your mother's name is Hunith and father's name is Balinor. Your the best swordsmen in all the five kingdoms that how you trained us. When the Kingdom was attacked you and Queen Hunith went to take shelter in Ealdor. Most of all..." 

Adrian looked around the stables for god knows what and then continues 

"You have magic and are the last dragonlord," He whispers as my eyes widened at the mention of my magic 

I closed the space between and Adrian holding up a finger 

"How do you know all this?" I demand "And for the record i can't even wield a sword," 

"Because we are your knights sire, and we five have been best friends since we were little," James said 

I shook my head and went without saying took their things and went on ahead of them setting two in each room and then going back to Gauis. I don't believe them on bit, i am not a prince, i grew up in a small village Ealdor and grew up there my whole life and as the knights mentioned of  a little sister, i think i would know if i had a sibling. And i have never been to Ealoran but the fact that the knights know of my magic is beyond me 

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