Chapter 11

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There lay the former King who should supposedly be dead, covered with cuts and  a big gash through his stomach and dried blood holding their Queen who had two big gashes in her stomach. Merlin couldn't stop the tears that fell from his eyes and he quickly wiped them, as he realises that Arthur was present. But only one thing was paining him right now

How is this possible? He thought 


3rd Person POV:

As Arthur didn't know that Hunith is Queen and since she wasn't wearing anything expensive or anything, it didn't give away his identity. Merlin crouched down to his mother, feeling for a pulse with tears still in his eyes. When he finally picked up a faint pulse, he let out a heavy sigh. Arthur stood beside his friend with a hand on his shoulder for support. Morgana knelt down to Sylvia putting her arms around her small frame and picking her up again, as the guards went to look for the court physician as per Merlin's order

 Both Balinor and Hunith looked tired and though none wanted to admit, Hunith was already dying slowly. Merlin wiped his tears more as he couldn't stop them from flowing, and carefully picked his mother up bridle style and Arthur was helping Balinor

"Merlin?" Balinor's hushed voice called out 

"I am here," Merlin said walking close to Arthur "I am here,"

Arthur and Merlin made their way into the castle followed both Kingdom's closest Knights along with Morgana,Sylvia and Gwen 

"BRING THEM IN HERE," The guard shouted towards a set of double doors

Inside there was Conroy, the court physician who gave a firm nod to Merlin as he came in with Hunith and quickly lay her down on a cot and Arthur did the same with Balinor . All left the room immediately giving Conroy enough room to work. On the other hand, Merlin, Sylvia and the Knights of Ealoran were pacing from left to right bumping into each other often all thinking the same thing, that how the heck was the king still alive? They had all seen him getting killed in front of their eyes 

Merlin was of course concentrated at that but at the same time he was more eager to know that how did his mother get into the state she is now, because the last time he saw her, she was in Ealdor living a happy life and she hadn't mentioned anything about his father. After what felt like hours, Conroy finally opened the door and Sylvia and Merlin rushed to him 

"How are they?" Merlin asked him pleadingly

"I would like to talk to you both alone please," Conroy said with sorrowful expression which gave a bad feeling to everyone "You lot can go to your chambers, since this may take a while,"

 Merlin looked back his eyes meeting Arthur's for a brief second before following Sylvia inside. Arthur didn't want to leave Merlin in this state but Morgana dragged him, saying that until he is done talking, Arthur should clean himself since he had gotten blood all over. Agreeing he reluctantly went to his chambers for a bath

Merlin's POV:

Mum was wrapped in bandages and by the looks of it, the wounds were very deep and also deeply infected. I couldn't stop the tears which came again as i heard Sylvia sob beside me too

"Sire," Conroy said "I couldn't save your parents, i am so sorry. I have tried everything, including magic, but even the magic as strong as yours, can't heal them. Your mother only has about an hour max and your father maybe few hours, i am so sorry. I leave you alone for a bit,"

As soon as Conroy left, both of us were on either side of our parents. Since Sylvia hasn't seen mother for 8 years i let her go to mom first and i go to father. Both of them looked so peaceful, like they are finally free of all the burdens which they had inside them. Sylvia had mum's hand in hers and was crying as she put her head on the cot as well. Suddenly, the other hand which i was holding of mum, gave a lit squeeze and the gasp from Sylvia meant that she also felt it

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