Chapter 30

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I let out a laugh as we all sit around the picnic blanket passing each other plates of food and goblets of water. This is what I had always imagined. All of us together without any problems just enjoying our sleeves in the outdoors free of everything and everyone for a while. This is my family and a family which I will cherish forever and no one can take them away from me

I popped a piece of chicken in my mouth as my eyes met Arthur's and I smiled looking at him smiling back

This is was perfect


3rd Person POV:

It has been two months since Arthur had proposed to Merlin and everything has been so peaceful since then, well, as peaceful as it can get in Albion. From that day on Merlin, Arthur and Cora were always around the castle together and Cora was warming up to Arthur as well. Usually she doesn't mingle with new people so easily, but to Merlin it looked like Cora was comfortable with Arthur and had started trusting him more and that couldn't make Merlin more happy. Since Cora had no home and family, Arthur and Merlin had decided to adopt Cora as their own once they got married, and she would be crowned princess of both Ealoran and Camelot along side Sylvia and Morgana 

After a few days, two said knights had proposed to their women as well. Lancelot and James. Though Elyan knew of Gwen and Lancelot, when Lancelot asked for Elyan's blessing the poor lad had to run around the training field to get Elyan off of his back but nonetheless knew that there was no man better for his sister 

 The 2 weeks after Arthur and Morgana along with the knights had to return to Camelot as matters of state were getting more of a burden for the Lords and the Kingdom shouldn't be left without a king for so long. The 2 months which Arthur spent in Camelot, he made magic legal while the Kingdom and Morgana were preparing for a grand wedding for their King and loyal knight. Bringing magic back was not easy, of course there were boundaries to their magic and some druids and sorcerers thought that it was a trap to lure them in and then capture them but when people start showing their magic and the King welcomed with open arms more people started to coming to Camelot  

Meanwhile in Ealoran, just like Morgana, Sylvia was doing the same planning her big brother's wedding with Hazel along with her's. It was decided that Arthur and Merlin's wedding would be held in Camelot along with Merlin's coronation and Lancelot's and Gwen wedding. Later they would come to Ealoran for Arthur's and Cora's coronation and Sylvia and James wedding. It is gonna be a hectic month but everyone was willing to take a chance. 

The royal tailor was working double without complain getting dresses ready. Morgana and Sylvia had decided to match their dresses with a slight change indicating their togetherness. Both Sylvia and Gwen had decide upon wedding dresses as well and for Sylvia's wedding she had already gifted a brand new dress to Gwen so that she wouldn't feel so much left out or feel bad that she couldn't afford dresses like those 

Gwen being the kind maiden she is, kindly refused the offer but Sylvia made her accept it anyway. Telling her that friends would so anything for each other

Merlin along with the druids help had created portals through which anyone could come and go from both kingdoms, so that they wouldn't have to journey for two days. And it made it easier for everyone who was gonna come for two wedding and coronations 


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