Chapter 12

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"It's okay to cry," He told me as i feel him turning so he faced the ceiling so i did the same " She isn't gone in vain Merlin, she is just gone physically,"

And with that my barrier breaks again and i have no idea for how long had i cried that night


Arthur's POV:

I stirred around as the sunlight shun through the gaps in window and lit up the once dark room. I felt something attached to me and i smiled as i see the mob of raven at the corner of my eye. I hated seeing him cry yesterday, though i know that he lost someone very important to him. Though i never really new my mother, i had always seen Hunith through that description and mostly because i think she treated me like her own, which i now i thinking about it, only bought more tears into my eyes but i blinked them away, i had to stay strong for Merlin's sake 

I look down he looks so peaceful, except for the little visible dark circles under his eyes, no one can tell that he was crying the entire night. I heard him time from time but i didn't stop him, because i remember how i cried when i came to know that how my mother really died, so who am i to stop him.  A he shifts in my arms, i glance down at his neck which usually covered by his neckerchief. Small pale scars were peaking out, curious i pulled Merlin's tunic a little and saw that there were some burn marks and a whip?

I couldn't look at anymore because he started moving more and i just let be adding this to my mental list of questions that i have to ask him

"You awake?" He asked groggily rubbing sleep from his eyes 

"Yup," I tell him as he tangles his self from me "Come on we have a long day,"

"GOD," Merlin said almost jumping out of the bed "I have to check on Sylvia and i have to prepare for mother's funeral,"

"What happened to Sylvia?" I ask him confused 

"Since she had a very strong with my mother, she was crying all night yesterday because of mother and because of the King as well once she came to know that none of them will live," Merlin said staring out of the window "She then fainted and i took her to her room,"

"Were you close with the royal family?" I ask him 

"Very much," Merlin tells me probably smiling from some old memory "I had come here almost twice in two months, sometimes with mum, sometimes with Will......"

Merlin again had stopped in mid sentence, and i think he is thinking about Hunith and this Will guy. I let out a heavy sigh as i pull him into my arms again, and i felt the tears wetting my tunic but i didn't care. After sometime he pulled away first suddenly when their was a sound of a horn blowing, he looked back at me and rubbed his eyes from the tears 

"Funerals about to begin," Merlin said blankly as he pulled me out of the room after him "Come on,"

Merlin's POV:

Even though i had cried so much during the night, i still couldn't stop. But i was glad to see that Sylvia was alright but you could clearly see the tiredness in her posture and dark circles under her eyes. I just wish that everything would go back to normal, they it should have gone, me and Sylvia back with mother and father in the castle, the continuous banter with each other, i miss the old times no much 

"Merlin, i am so sorry," Lancelot was behind me with a hand on my shoulder 

I give him a pat on the shoulder as i wipe a tear from my cheek and continue down the forest where they have set mum's funeral to happen. They of course knew that the Queen had died and so they had beautifully painted the royal crest on my mother's coffin where i saw her laying down in a beautiful white gown and her hair neatly brushed and placed on either side of her. Sylvia was beside me wiping tears as well, and we both kissed our mother's coffin and bid our goodbyes

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