Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV:

Arthur was walking through the corridors making his way to his chambers before he saw Merlin take a turn and thought that he would stop and talk to him since  he wasn't there in training. But then he sees another knight with Merlin, Arthur recognised the Knight immediately it was Sir Mike and much to Arthur's disgust they looked awfully close 

Arthur knew that Merlin might be sometimes totally socially awkward but he had many friends within the castle walls but they way they were laughing and joking together gave Arthur a hit of jealousy, and he had never felt like that to anyone before. As a more anger blew into him by watching the two he was about to head the other way pretending he hadn't seen anything though weren't doing anything but what caught his eye was when Mike put his arm on Merlin's shoulder and said something which made the two men laugh their head off 

This took away all the self control Arthur had left though he knew that the gesture was only friendly but nonetheless he stormed off to the two friends and once the men saw them coming Mike gave him a bow and was looking confused at his not-well masked angry expression 

"Sir Mike," Arthur nodded at him before holding Merlin's wrist and dragging him behind him 

Merlin bids a goodbye to Mike over his shoulder all the while mumbling incoherent phrases to Arthur 

"What the heck are you doing?" Merlin asked him 

Arthur didn't answer as his eyes widened and he finally realised what he had done and quickly left his wrist mentally slapping himself 

"Uh......" Arthur thought quickly of answer "Some clothes need washing,"

Merlin looked at him with an eyebrow raised

"Clothes washing, huh?" Merlin asked "And that couldn't wait because i was talking to someone,"

Merlin eyed him. Between them was still a little awkward but both had passed it a little way from their minds. Not thinking that the might also feel the same way 

"Yes it can't wait Merlin," Arthur said "Plus i need to hive a speech today by afternoon remember, what will the people think when they see their king not properly dressed,"

Merlin gave him a pointed look before entering his chambers and picking the clothes up. Merlin knew awfully well that Arthur's clothes didn't need any washing because he gave him the same clothes that Merlin had already washed brought back yesterday night, though he didn't say anything and went preparing for the details of his speech   

"Hey Merlin," Arthur gestured to him "I needed to ask your opinion on something,"

"Why does my opinion matter, i am just servant?" Merlin said smiling a bit ignoring to look in his eye 

"It matters to me," Arthur said "I was thinking as Morgana is my sister, she should be titled as Princess don't you think?"

Merlin thought for a moment. Arthur was right, now that they know that she is Pendragon blood, she deserves the title 'Princess' not just 'Lady' 

"Yea, i believe so," Merlin agreed with him "At least she would make the title a better use then you did as a Prince,"

Arthur took the nearest thing he could find which was a goblet and threw at Merlin who easily ducked under it, Goblets thrown at him mostly every morning had made him practice to dodge it now. Merlin gave stuck his tongue out at him before exiting his chambers. Arthur didn't know why but Merlin's childish behaviour brought smile to his lips. But jumped 5 feet in the air when the door barged open again and Morgana came through in an elegant purple dress with her hair flowing behind her 

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