Something to Scream About

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"You just don't get it Helgrim," Ivan hissed in Russian, cigar smoke blowing through his nose and pluming around his face. "You come in here, taking what you want, making deals left and right to run our people out of business," the man reached forwards on their long, low table that stood between the two couches. Sloshing liquor as he raised a wide glass to his mouth. "You keep forgetting that we have no allegiance to you. Yet you act like everyone on this god damn planet owes you something."

Ivan was a wide-shouldered brute of a man. He was built like a bulldozer, with long inked arms and massive hands. The Russian sported a buzzcut and the pale semblance of facial hair, and the parts of him that weren't covered in bruises and bandages sported layer upon layer of crude tattoos. Most of them acquired in prison, but Ivan didn't mention that very often.  

They sat in an open and isolated lounge room, shaped like a rectangular box, decorated with large pillars and curtains of light grey. Their seconds and thirds stayed away, in the far corners of the room, staying silent as the meeting continued. 

"You don't owe me anything now," Lucifer stated calmly, his arms on the back of the long couch across from Ivan, Maksim, and their swarm of none Russian speaking women. "But you will. One day. So it's in your best interest to stay in my good graces right now...before sides are...decided."

The men siped on hard liquor, the women sat in obedient silence. 

"Sides of what, Helgrim?" Ivan countered. A blonde girl ran her hands over Ivan's throat and down his unbuttoned shirt but he ignored her entirely.  

Her hair looked about the same shade as Nya's, and Lucifer had to suppress the lounging that started to form in his chest. He missed Nya very much, not that anyone would believe that. 

Ivan growled. "You ask us to choose sides, as if you stand a chance against whatever Collison has in store. He has an entire empire behind him. An old and cultivated empire," the Russian finished his drink and chucked the glass to the table where it bounced and rolled away. Lucifer didn't flinch, but he felt his crew grow impatient and worried at the room's edge. He could practically feel Peicre boring great holes of rage into the Russians. "You are young and nieve, Helgim." Ivan spit, "And you will suffer for your arrogance. Your territory, your people- they suffer because you think you can take what you want from this ancient game you are toying with."

"Do not forget exactly who I am, Ivan," Lucifer spoke very slow and carefully. "Choose your words extremely carefully," he threatened, forcing his muscles to remain loose though he wanted to clench his fists and swing them across the table. The warning was ignored. 

"Than let me reiterate," Ivan replied angrily. Pushing himself forward on the couch as he leveled his black eyes with Lucifer green ones. The girls around him retracted immediately. His brother down the couch, Maksim who was stoic and observant, simply watched as he twirled the hair of a slim brunette. "If I ever see you again after tonight, I am going to break every one of your ribs so It's a bit easier for me to shove my hand in your chest and rip whatever black hole you have growing in there." In English, "Am I being clear now?"

Lucifer flashed a smile, one that showed how wicked and sharp his teeth were, one that promised pain and demised for all who witnessed it. The Russian's may not have understood yet but Lucifer was going to kill them. And he would enjoy doing it. 

"I gave you an offer of salvation," Lucifer started. "Ride under my name,  in exchange for your support when war breaks loose. But if this is your answer, if this is how you'll act, then I suppose neither of us will find what we were looking for." Lucifer moved his arms from the back of the couch and started to straighten his suit. He would leave-

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