Fuck you

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We're just going to pretend I wasn't gone.


*At Neilbolt*

You were pissed no that's an understatement you were blinded by rage all you saw was red. Everything between you an Henry was a lie and that clown knew it, he wanted you to know that he knew. You slammed the door open Pennywise sitting on the couch amusement clear on his face.
"Have a nice day?"
"You..you fucking asshole. I'm going to kill you." He feigned confusion.
"Whatever for?"
"You know why!" You haven't moved from the doorway you know that he could easily lock you both in there.
"Enlighten me." He crossed his arms and looked intrigued by what I would say.
"Don't be an ass you..dick."
"Such terrible words really. Now tell me how did I ruin your life, I wasn't the one running around with every girl in Derry." That pissed you off even more you walked quickly towards the damned clown and through a swing it was clear he let you hit him.
"You know a swing like that could cause a lot more damage if you put a little force in it.
"Fuck you!"

I noticed the boys were across the street after I had left Jennifer's and boy did they look pissed I lit a cigarette and walked towards them.
"Y'all following me or something?" They didn't say a word but there glare was permanent. "Hells wrong with y'all?"
"Us? Hells wrong with you what the fuck where you doing with those girls?" Vic asked.
"So you were following me looking don't worry about I was getting some stuff for [Y/N] we were gonna hangout tonight before his decision." I said pointing at a fuming Patrick
"So you weren't cheating on [Y/N] with those girls?" Belch asked.
"Cheating on her? God no like I said I was getting stuff together I even asked one of the girls to leave some stuff at her house for tonight." Patrick could tell he wasn't lying but he was still fuming even if he wasn't cheating he should've at least given the gang a heads up. "Where's [Y/N]?"
"After she saw you go in there she ran off."
"Wait she saw me? Damnit I got find her."
"We don't know where she went know any places she might go?"
"One but it's to far unless she's walking."
"I'll drive down there see if she went there." Belch said.
"That's not where she's going." Patrick said speaking up finally.
"Then where the hell is she?" I asked.
"Where do you think a broken hearted girl would go after a deal with the devil?" After he said that we all pulled into the Trans and speed off.

You were thrown into the wall you knew it wasn't the smartest idea to challenge the clown but you were so full of rage you didn't even feel the pain.
"You gonna give up girly? Your anger masks your fear makes you less tasty just let it go." You chuckled dryly.
"Let it go? This isn't a game Penny it's a battle and I'm gonna kill you, you fucking asshole." He growled and his jaw started to unhinge a bright light glowed in the back of his throat and you wanted so badly to look into like you did last time but instead you shielded your eyes  and grabbed what seemed to be an old baseball and threw it at him. It caught him off balance but he seemed to have disappear you looked around frantically trying to find him but it was to late he appeared behind you and snapped his jaws around your shoulder.

"IT" Henry Bowers x reader Where stories live. Discover now