The Fire

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A/n: Y/n- your name
Y/l/n- your last name
Y/n/n- your Nick name

Three years later

"Hey!" You wave over to Sam and Jessica.

Their faces light up in recognition as they walk over to your table.

You hug Jessica and Sam and settle back onto the table. The two had gone for a small weekend getaway. You hadn't got a chance to meet them before but the three of you set a time to have lunch at a restaurant near campus.

Since the party three years back, you and Sam had been the best of friends. Other than Maddie, at the time, he was your only other best friend. Over the course of three years, you attended way more parties and from a really introverted person, you became a mild introvert.

You made many more friends and you and Brady had been the ones to introduce Sam to Jessica and they immediately hit it off. It was more off Brady's idea but he convinced you and you helped him. You both were like each other's wingmen. He tried to set you up with many of his friends, but it never worked out.

"Guys, listen!" You exclaim, getting excited. "I spoke to my parents."

At that both of them looked at you.

"And what did they say?" Jessica asked you as she placed the restaurant's menu card on the table.

"They're not happy, but they said that they would support me!"

Sam and Jessica chuckle and hold your hand.

"That's amazing, Y/n/n!" Sam congratulates you.

You had never wanted to be a lawyer. Your parents were lawyers and they wanted you to walk in their footsteps. But you wanted to be a photographer. Like taking scenic pictures and even taking videos which everyone in your group admired. Obviously, your parents didn't support you then but with a bit of help from Sam and Jess, you were able to convince them.

And finally, after three years of doing something you didn't want to do, your parents were finally supporting you. You started crying happy tears thinking about it.

"Oh no, my face is leaking."

Sam and Jess chuckle and both of them stand up to hug you.

You start laughing.

This basically described your relationship with them. You were the weird one. Always cracking jokes at inappropriate times. Jess was the supportive one and Sam would always back you up no matter what. 

All of you spent time together that day. You told them that you were going to leave the next week when the semester was going to end. Though they were sad, they planned on throwing a farewell party for you.

After some time, you said your goodbyes and left for your dorm.

The next night

You had been exhausted from the the party you, Jess and Sam had gone to. You slept as soon as you entered your dorm room and didn't even have time to change from your bunny costume.


"What the f-" You try not to swear too loud in an attempt of not waking up your roommate. You feel your head throb in exhaustion.

You look at your phone and check who was calling you at like 1 in the morning.

"Hey? Jess, are you fine?" You whisper in your phone. You were worried at why Jessica would call you up now. Your voice is hoarse with sleep.

"No, I'm fine. It's just... Something strange just happened."

You sit up on your bed, mentally preparing yourself for said strange news. You look down with distaste at your outfit.

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