7 | The Hook Man • Pt.2

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You push past people at the party. Unlike the boys, you took the time to change your clothes in a supermarket's toilet on the way.

Instead of your usual T-shirt and jacket with jeans, you wore a tight-fitting blood red top that dipped a bit too low in the back and front with black skin-tight jeans. You chose to wear your sneakers since you knew that you and the guys wouldn't stay that long.

The reason you wore the top, and you tried denying it, was because you were self-conscious. You didn't know why but when you started this case and met the frat boys and Ryan, you felt the need to prove yourself.

The party was filled with people dancing but there had been someplace for the three of you to stand and talk. Sam and Dean had looked at you weird with you wearing the top; they still did, but you shrugged it off.

As soon as you had entered the house, you saw Ryan and he had called you over to his gang of friends. You hesitated but you hesitated, even more, when you saw Sam's expression. His expression was midway; between mad and confused. But you followed through and to be honest were having a fun time with him and his friends. The guy who painted himself purple was there too. He recognized you but chose not to tell anything when he didn't see Dean- your boyfriend around.

They talked about school and drama but were kind enough to include you in their conversations.

You suddenly look up, feeling guilty for forgetting about Sam and Dean. And you had been here only around 20 minutes. You smile when you see both of them looking at you and talking. Sam nods his head and leaves and Dean walks slowly towards you, taking in the people dancing and bumping into him. He has a look of longing on his face.

If only someone looked at you like that.

He tilts his head continuously to the side and you raise your eyebrow.

"Isn't that your boyfriend?" You look over to the purple guy pointing at Dean. Ryan looks at him too and back at you questioningly.

"Uh- I'll talk to you later," You say and walk over to Dean, ignoring Ryan's protests.

"So, where's Sam?" You ask, suddenly wanting to leave.

"He's gone with Lori. And we have some digging to do." He grins at you and you groan when you realize what you have to do.


"Have you never dug up soil?" Dean asks as you huff.

You roll your eyes. "Let me think. No! I haven't dug up soil before. And obviously not to dig up someone's bones!" You yell, your voice pitching throughout the cemetery. You wince and pinch the bridge of your nose.


"Let me do it for a while," Dean says as he stretches his hand out. You give him your hand as he pulls you out with surprising strength. He takes the shovel from you and starts digging.

You feel your head roam to other topics as you sit there, on the edge of the hole dug.

"Are you okay with me here? Joining you guys on hunts?" You ask abruptly, your mind wandering to how he ignored you and how cold he had been to you these past few days.

He pushes the shovel into the soil and sighs, looking up at you.

"If I'm to be honest, Y/n. No. No, I'm not fine with you being here."

You feel yourself shudder, suddenly feeling cold and you pull your jacket closer. But before your mind can stray again he speaks.

"It's not that I don't like you. Trusting someone is really big, especially if you're a hunter. You're trusting that person with your life."

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