8 | Bugs

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You walk out of the bar after having a beer. You knew that your face was flushed because one beer was enough to do that to you. A few more and you would be walking around half-naked.

You had decided to carry your polaroid camera with you most of the time now because of how frustrated you had got when you couldn't take pictures before. Fortunately, your camera was small enough to fit in your jacket pocket. As you walk out, you were suddenly glad for taking it with you.

You sneak up on Sam sitting on the hood and leaning against the windshield with a newspaper in his hand. You bring the camera up and take a picture, but since luck was always against you in situations like these, you didn't notice that the flash was on. But the picture came out good because Sam didn't move until after. He looked startled and you chuckle as you hand him the picture that was printed out.

The light shone off the sleek Impala. A shadow from Sam's hair was on his face which made him look even more beautiful.

"How is it?" You ask as you lean on the side of the car where he was seated.

He looks startled but starts to calm down. His cheeks become slightly pink when he looks at the picture.

"Great." He breathes out. "Listen, Y/n-"

You turn around when you hear Dean chuckling. He starts waving a wad of cash he had in his hand as he comes towards the car.

"You know, we could get day jobs once in a while."

"Hunting is our day job and the pay is crap," Dean says as he starts to count the money he must have won in a card game or something.

"Yeah, but hustling pool, credit card scams? It's not the most honest thing in the world, Dean."

Dean continues speaking but you get a phone call. Sam looks at you as you walk away from them and you look at the caller ID.


You bring the phone to your ear and speak. "Hello?"

"Y/n, where are you? You were supposed to arrive in the morning."

"Mom, I can explain..."

You try coming up with an excuse and use Sam's.

"I'm on a road trip. With Sam. And his brother Dean."

"You're on a road trip with Sam? The one who's girlfriend died?"

"Mom!" You whine. Sometimes your mom had no filter while speaking.

"And you're alone with two boys?" Your mom asks once more and you roll your eyes.

"Yes, I am." You turn back to look at the boys but see them in the Impala. "Mom, listen, I have to go. Why did you call me?"

"Well, your letter from Natural Geographic has come. I'm pretty sure it's regarding your internship."

You take a deep breath. You had forgotten all about it. "Uh- When did it come?"


You turn around when Dean honks. "Uh- mom? I really have to go. I'll call you when I'm close. Bye, mom!" You say and hang up, not waiting for her to reply.

You jog back to the car and get inside.

"Who was that?" Sam asks as he turns around to look at you.

"My mom." You say as you keep the picture you took in your bag.


"You're kidding." You gulp down and look at the hole. "I'm not going in there."

"You're the smallest, Y/n. Sammy's too huge and I'm too broad. It'll be easy for you to move around in there," Dean says.

Just Friends? (Sam Winchester × Reader) Supernatural Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now