7 | The Hook Man

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You had loved reading books since you had picked up your first novel in first grade. Your mom and dad greatly encouraged you to read books and bought you many.

You had read the classics by Micheal Crichton and Dan Brown. Other than that you had read other ones by not as famous authors.

Like you, even your parents were always engrossed in books. You had noticed a few strange books- they were like diaries that were leather bound, in your library but whenever you tried to read them, it was right at that moment that your mom or dad walked in and scolded you for touching their personal book.

If it was so personal, why didn't they keep it in their drawer or something?

But over the years, you lost interest in them.

"Here we are."

You look up from the lore book Sam had given you- it was leather bound and stuff about demons and monsters was written in it. Dean pulled up at a gas station. You get out of the back of the car and stretch. Even though you were grateful for him to stop so you could stretch, you were irritated as well.

"Do you have to pee again, Dean?"

In the little time that you'd known Dean, he had to use the toilet frequently. And Sam, well...

Let's just say that you wouldn't mind driving in seperate car.

Sam had climbed out of the car and chuckled at your statement. Dean just makes a face at you and walks off.

You turn to Sam and tell him that you had to buy some stuff from the store.

As you walk in, you immediately walk over to the aisle with the candy. You pick up loads of bubblegum and chocolate. You grab some soda too.

While paying, you used your credit card. You didn't agree with the guys method of credit card fraud but it's the least they can get for saving the world. There was a nagging at the back of your head that you would too have to follow their methods.

But you weren't going to stay for long.

As you exit the store, you yell at Sam.

"Think fast."

He turns to you and puts his hands up to catch whatever you were about to throw at him. You throw a candy packet and walk towards the car.

He chuckles and leans on the Impala.
"I don't think you get the use of shouting 'think fast', Y/n. You throw the stuff after I turn."

You grin at him and chuck your treasure in the car. "Mhmm."


"So, where's your dad?"

You were reading the diary at the back of the Impala again. You look up to see Sam and Dean sharing an uncomfortable look.


"We don't know where our dad is." Sam says as he continues looking front.

"Wait, so what are we doing now?"

"Killing all the evil S.O.Bs we find on our way to dad."

"But- you don't know where he is."

Dean looks at you from the reir view mirror and sighs. "We're working on it. And why are you reading our dad's book?"

You look up for a moment and sigh. You knew that this question was going to come up eventually. The way you told Dean to reduce the volume of the music and how you were engrossed in the book.

You keep the book away and look down, feeling like a kid confessing something to her parents.
"It's just- I have no training. And I know that I'm only going to slow you guys down. Hell, after reading about what's out there, I'm pretty sure I'll get you guys killed like this."

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