12 | Faith

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A/n:<( ̄︶ ̄)☝️ so cute!!

Aaaaand, I'm sorry for posting so late!


"The electrocution triggered a heart attack. Pretty massive, I'm afraid. His heart, it's damaged," the doctor says.

"How damaged?" Sam asks and all you can do at that point is process what happened. It kept repeating itself in your mind.

You guys were killing a raw-head that ate children and only died from electrocution. Dean electrocuted the bitch but managed to get electrocuted too. Just thinking about it made your head hurt.

"We've done all we can. We can try and keep him comfortable at this point but I'd give him a couple of weeks, a month at most."

You feel the tears welling up in your eyes and you bite your lip to keep it from shaking.

"No, no... There's got to be something you can do. Some kind of treatment." Sam asks quietly. You could see that it was killing him. A flash of pain goes through your head and you bite your lip. Hard. The iron in your blood makes your lip twitch painfully in disgust. It had been happening for months now, flashes of pain passing through your head at random moments. You clench your eyes.

"We can't work miracles. I really am sorry."

"Can we- can we see him?" You ask. The fact that you were crying after only knowing Dean for four months didn't unsettle you. You were usually a very passionate person and always were very caring.

The doctor moves to the side and gestures to you and Sam. You both walk to the room Dean was in and you swiped your tears. There was no need for him to see you with watery eyes.

You faltered when you entered the room. He was so pale. He had dark circles around his eyes and his skin was several tones lighter. He wasn't the Dean Winchester you knew. He looked so weak and tired. The pit in your stomach grew. You moved to stand next to Sam.

"Ever actually watch daytime TV? It's terrible," his voice was soft and slightly throaty. His eyes stayed on the small television at the foot of his bed.

You smile a bit but you were pretty sure it looked like a sad one.

"I talked to your doctor," Sam says after shaking his head.

"That fabric softener teddy bear, ooh," Dean mutters, still not looking at you guys. "I want to hunt that little bitch down."

"Dean," you say in a disapproving voice.

"Yeah?" He switches off the TV and looks up at the two of you. "Right, well. It looks like you're gonna leave town without me."

"What are you talking about?" You ask while moving a bit closer to the bed.

"We're not leaving you here," Sam assures Dean.

"You both better take care of that car. Or I swear I'll haunt your ass."

"I don't think that's funny," Sam shakes his head and you wipe the small smile off your face. Dean sees you before you do and smiles a bit.

"Oh come on. It's a little funny," Dean counters. He speaks again when Sam shakes his head and looks away. "Look, Sammy, what can I say? It's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it. End of story."

"Don't talk like that, alright?" Sam says as tears make his eyes shine. He was struggling to keep it together. "We still have options."

"What options? Get burial or cremation," Dean says blandly and you feel your mouth hanging open. He couldn't speak like that.

Just Friends? (Sam Winchester × Reader) Supernatural Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now