16 | Shadow

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A/n: W/y/l- Where you live.


Minneapolis, Minnesota

"At least walk me to the door?" You ask Sam when he refused to join you and your family for dinner.

You guys were standing in front of your house. The old one. Your parents came here from time to time for some reason.

It still had Y/b/n's room and wasn't as fancy as your parents' penthouse they owned in W/y/l.

The boys had caught wind of a case in Chicago where people had suffered violent deaths and they thought that something supernatural happened to them.

Your mom was a stubborn one and you knew that she would convince Sam and Dean to stay for dinner.

You smirk as Sam gets out of the car and takes your duffel bag from your hand and escorts you to the door.

A few seconds after you knocked, the door was opened by none other than your grinning mother.

She sweeps you into a hug and mumbles in excitement about how she hadn't seen you and how different you looked.

You chuckle before pulling back.

"Mom, this is Sam."

Your mom ushers the two of you in after hugging Sam; which he reciprocated awkwardly.

Sam stands there awkwardly as your dad walks in and hugs you too.

"My princess is back! Let the feast begin!" He says loudly and you giggle.

"Dad, this is Sam. My friend from college," you gesture to the Winchester.

"Nice to meet you, Sammy," he says as he shakes Sam's hand. Your eyes widen when you realize that Sam might not be liked being called Sammy but he smiles widely and shakes your dad's hand.

"Great to meet you too, sir," Sam says with a smile that showed his dimples.

"That's a tough grip. He's a keeper, Y/n!" Your dad remarks with a sly smile.

You choke on your saliva. Your dad always did this.

Your dad was pretty casual with who you dated and made fun most of the time whereas your mom was strict.

Your mom clears her throat and you stand straight. Sam just chuckles and looks on in amusement.

"Friends, Dad. Friends," you say as you give Sam an apologetic look.

"Well, I wish I could stay, but-"

"But what, mister?" Your mom asks with raised eyebrows as she shuts the door behind him.

You chuckle to yourself. You knew that poor Sammy was probably already scared by now.

He looks at you, quite surprised (you shrug in response) and back at your mom.

"Uh, family business," Sam says after a while.

"Well, it can wait. Now go call whoever is in your car and get back here," she says in a stern voice and you start to pity Sam. Your mom could become scary in times like this.

"Yes, Mrs. Y/l/n," he responds quietly and you laugh soundlessly as you turn to walk into the kitchen and Sam goes out to call Dean.


"This. Pie. Is. Amazing!" Dean says as he stuffs his mouth with your mom's apple pie. Crumbs of food flew out from his mouth as he spoke.

Your mom chuckles and Sam gives Dean his bitch face before turning back to your mom and smiling.

Just Friends? (Sam Winchester × Reader) Supernatural Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now