11 | Scarecrow

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"Alright, so the names dad gave us. They're all couples?" Sam asks as he drives the Impala. This time, unfortunately, Dean had won your little game of 'who sits shotgun when Sam drives'.

After talking to their dad, Sam seemed put off. He didn't talk much until when you guys were ready to leave. When you asked what their dad told them, you felt a surge of anger and confusion. John had told Sam that they should stop looking for him but he mentioned your name too. You hadn't met him before and you were pretty sure he hadn't seen you. But you pushed that to the side. With all the other mysteries, that seemed like a pretty minor issue.

Their dad had said that it was a demon that killed their mom and Jessica. You were sort of an atheist because of your parents and didn't believe in heaven or hell. But if hell didn't exist, where would the demons come from? Unsurprisingly, you weren't surprised. It was just another evil species of beings that could kill you. Add it to the list.

"Three different couples that went missing," Dean looks down at the paper with a flashlight.

"And they're all from different towns and different states?" You ask, joining in the conversation.

"That's right. From Washington, New York, Colorado. Each couple took a trip cross-country. None of them arrived at their destination. None of them were heard from again."

"It's a big country. They could've disappeared anywhere," Sam counters and you furrow your eyebrows. Surely their dad would've given them these names for a reason.

"Yeah, they could've. But each of their routes took them through the same part of Indiana. Always in the second week of April, one year after the other after the other."

"This is the second week of April," Sam says and you realize that the next month was May.

"Sam, your birthday is coming up," you say as your mind's gears start whirring. You and Jess had thrown parties for him when you guys were at Stanford. Your heart sinks a bit when you realize that you would have to do something for Sam alone this year. "It's like in two weeks," your head goes to what cake you would get for him. Maybe something related to monsters. That'd be funny.

Sam turns back with his lips parted and eyebrows raised and turns back forward before speaking. "I know what you're thinking, Y/n and you better not do it," Sam warns you and you act oblivious.

"What do you mean?" Dean looks at you and Sam and you smirk.

"She threw these parties for me on my birthday in Stanford. It was- never mind," he shakes his head.

You lose yourself to details of what you wanted to do for him. The car suddenly stops moving and the engine sputters to a stop. You open your eyes when you realized that they were closed and look at the boys.

"What are you doing?"

"We're not going to Indiana." Sam doesn't bother turning back to look at you while answering your question.

"We're not?" Dean asks.

"No, we're going to California. Dad called from a payphone. Sacramento area code."

You raise your eyebrows and purse your lips. Sam really was very stubborn.

"Sam," Dean tilts his head and speaks in a warning tone.

"Dean, if this demon killed mom and Jess," he looks back at you, "and dad's closing in, we got to be there. We got to help."

"Dad doesn't want our help."

"Well, I don't care."

"He's given us an order."

"I don't care. We don't always have to do what he says."

Just Friends? (Sam Winchester × Reader) Supernatural Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now