6 | Shapeshifter

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A/n: This chapter is based on Season 1 episode 6 from your point of view.
Does mention trigger scenes like assault.

Three months later

You ring the bell and wait. A blonde-haired woman opens the door and exclaims when she sees you.

"Y/n! I'm so glad you came!" She envelopes you in a hug and you chuckle.

"Yeah, it's been a while, hasn't it?" You look at Rebecca. She had been yours and Sam's friend when you were here. Even though you two weren't that close, you planned on visiting her since you were meeting Maddie and Hailey too.

She beckons you to follow her into the house and she ushers you into the living room.

"So, how have things been?" You ask as you settle into the couch.

She looks at you for a moment before settling into the couch herself and facing you.


You frown, but before you can ask, she continues.

"Zach was suspected of murdering his girlfriend. And now he's in jail."

The news hits you like whiplash and you cover your mouth. You knew Zach. To imagine he would do such a thing..."Oh my god."

You scoot towards the girl and hug her.

"I'm so sorry, honey."

"And Zach didn't even do it. He was here with me, drinking until like midnight."

"What was her time of death?"

"Around ten." She looks up at you and sniffs. "She was tortured, Y/n. She was tied to a chair and beaten up."

You hug Becca closer and calm her down while downing the information yourself.  Tortured? Zach was the kindest, happiest guy you knew. How could he...

The doorbell suddenly rings. You get up and look at Becca, gesturing for her to continue sitting. As you walk towards the door, you straighten up the outfit you were wearing; a maroon V-neck with faded jeans and sneakers.

You swing the door open and you feel your jaw drop.

Right on the doorstep were Sam and Dean, as surprised as you were seeing them.


The whole while Sam and Becca were talking, you stared daggers at him. Becca had looked over at you worriedly and Dean had tried talking to you but you dismissed the both of them and continued looking at Sam. Sam had yet not looked in your direction or tried to talk to you.

The bastard left you to wallow in your grief of losing two of your best friends and then shows up months later acting as if nothing happened.

Maybe I'm being selfish but he could have stayed. He could have-

You stop your mind from running off the topic.

He left you. And that's all that happened. Nothing that he could say would justify his departure.

After asking Becca a few questions, they make a plan to head to the crime scene. Apparently, Dean was a cop. So being a car parts trader had to be a side business of sorts?

You look at Dean curiously. He catches you staring and you look away, feeling your cheeks heat up.

Sam finally faces you and speaks. "Will you join us, Y/n?"

You look at Rebecca as she tries to figure out what happened between the two of you.

"Yeah." You answer shortly, determined to avoid Sam's eyes.

Just Friends? (Sam Winchester × Reader) Supernatural Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now