17 | Hell House

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The more you hide
your feelings for someone,
the more you fall
for them

Interstate 35

Sam was sleeping in the front seat with his head tilted. The sound of his soft snores reached you even though Dean was playing music in the Impala. You guys were having a silent and nice drive to your next case but you guessed that maybe Dean got too bored.

Dean turns back and puts a finger on his lip to indicate for you to be quiet. You raise your eyebrows but a small smile appears on your face when he puts a white plastic spoon in Sam's open mouth. You try not to chuckle loudly.

You take your camera and turn it around so you can take a picture of Sam. You stick your thumb up and smile as you take it. Dean chuckles as you look down at the picture printed.

He increases the volume of the music playing in the car and you smile as you await Sam's reaction.

Sam's head rolls up when he wakes up because of the blaring music. He scrunches his face as he brings his hand up to slap the spoon from his mouth. You and Dean chuckle when you see the disgusted glare on Sam's face. He turns down the music before looking at the two of you.

"Haha. Very funny," he says while making his bitch face. Dean's face lights up and he starts drumming his hands on the steering wheel.

Dean laughs before answering. "Sorry. Not a lot of scenery here in East Texas. Kinda got to make your own."

"Man, we're not kids anymore, Dean! We're not gonna start that crap up again."

"Start what up?" Dean asks
obliviously and you lean forward to know what he was talking about.

"That prank stuff. It's stupid, and it always escalates!"

"Oh, what's the matter Sammy, afraid you're gonna get a little Nair in your shampoo again, huh?"

"Seriously?" You ask with raised eyebrows and an amused expression. You bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing.

"Yeah! He actually did that," Sam tells with a small pout. You feel the breath being knocked out of you when he does.

Gah! He was so adorable!

"Just remember you started it," he says to Dean and turns to look outside.

"Oh, ho, bring it on badly, " Dean taunts Sam and you chuckle.

"You guys better not include me in your prank war," you warn and Dean turns back and smirks at you. You frown a bit.

"Where are we anyway?" Sam asks as he squints and looks at the scenery outside the car.

"A few hours out of Richardson," Dean replies before speaking again. "Give me the lowdown again."

The previous night, you and Sam researched the case. Sam opens up the dashboard and takes out the newspaper clippings of the murder that took place.

"Alright, around a month or two ago a group of kids go poking around this local haunted house," Sam says as he recalls the facts of the case.

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