15 | The Benders

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A/n: To be honest, this is one of the most disturbing episodes in this season.

"I know you're doing your job but the police have been here all week already. I don't see why we have to go through this again. The more he tells the story, the more he believes it's true."

"Mrs. McKay," Sam breathes out as he removes the hat off his head. You look at him and remove yours too; awkwardly. You guys were disguised as state police. You failed to mention to the guys that you didn't have any fake ID but when Mrs. McKay saw your clothes, she didn't ask; rather she got irritated.

"We know you spoke with the local authorities," Sam continues.

"But this seems like a matter for the state police," Dean completes for him and you nod.

"Just tell us what you saw, Evan," you give the boy standing behind his mom a small smile. "Doesn't matter how crazy."

"I was up late... watching TV...when I heard this weird noise," he says uncertainly.

"What'd it sound like?" Sam asks and you look up at him. He again had his hair swept back which made him look mature.

"Like a monster," he says and you look at Sam and Dean.

A monster, indeed.

"Tell the officers what you were watching," Mrs. McKay says with raised eyebrows.

"Godzilla vs. Mothra."

You and Dean chuckle.

"That's my favorite Godzilla movie. It's so much better than the original, huh?" Dean asks excitedly and a smile shadows Evan's face. Sam stares daggers at Dean.


"Yeah," Dean nods his head at Sam, "He likes the remake."

Sam gives Dean his bitch face and you stop yourself from chuckling.



"Maybe it's just a kidnapping?" You ask the guys as you sip on your beer.

"Yeah. Maybe this isn't our kinda gig." Dean says as he throws another dart.

"Yeah, maybe not. Except for this. Dad marked the area, guys. Possible hunting grounds for a phantom attacker," Sam tries to reason with you and Dean. You lift your beer of the small round table when he pushes the books on the table.

"Why would he even do that?" Dean walks over to you guys and looks down at the book.

"Well, he found a lot of local folklore about a dark figure that comes out at night, grabs people, then vanishes. He found this too. This county has more missing persons per capita than anywhere else in the state."

"That is weird," Dean agrees.


"Don't phantom attackers usually snatch people from their beds? Jenkins was taken from a parking lot," Dean asks and you make note of what they were talking about.

Phantom attackers?

"Well there are all kinds, you know: Spring-heeled Jacks, Phantom Gassers, they-they take people anywhere, anytime," Sam pauses and looks at your face. "What's up with you?"

"What...what did you just say?"

Sam chuckles a bit and lifts his beer bottle up to take a sip.

"Nevermind... Look, I don't know if this is our kinda gig either ..."

"Yeah, you're right, we should ask around more tomorrow," Dean says finally.

When Sam sees you yawning he smiles a bit before standing up and keeping a bill on the table.

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