19 | Provenance

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A/n: Sorry.

Edit: Okay, heehee :)
I've mentioned Elvis in here and I wouldn't have if I'd read Twist and Shout before. So, sorry if your little Destiel heart gets an ache :((:


Part 1

Someone can be madly in love with you and still not be ready to be with you.

Three and a half years ago

You skim through the lines of your textbook. Hardly a week after settling into college, you had a pile of homework. You were exhausted and you felt your eyes closing. You curse yourself because of staying up the previous night to read a 'Stone Cold'. A novel that was pretty interesting.

You sit up straight with a small snort, that you cover with a cough when someone sits across you. You try shaking away your drowsiness; not wanting others to see and possibly making fun of you. You had seen Legally Blonde. Though you weren't as glamorous as Elle Woods.

"Want to study together?" The boy asks and your face lights up in recognition.

"Sam?" You whisper as you look at his smiling face. You had seen him in one of your classes but couldn't talk to him because Madison would whisk you away to meet her friends.

"Hey, Y/n," he says. "I saw you sitting here and- you don't mind me sitting here, do you?" He asks, tentatively.

"No, no. Not at all," you pull your textbook to leave more space on the mahogany table.

He smiles as he takes his book out from his bag.

You try focusing on your textbook and not looking at him. You still couldn't help yourself from glancing at him.

You raise your eyebrow at his definition of studying together.

"So, what are you studying?" You ask.

He glances down at his books. "Uh, I'm doing the assignment that Mrs. Mantle gave."

"Same," you sigh.

Without thinking, you get up and walk over to the other side of the table to sit next to Sam. He looks surprised but you give him a small smile. As you pull your textbooks towards yourself, you yawn.

He chuckles softly as he sees and you blush in embarrassment, covering your mouth with the back of your hand when you realized that you hadn't.

"I, uh-"


You frown and look at the librarian who was standing at the edge of your table with a glare.

"Uh, sorry," Sam says awkwardly and turns to his textbook, though keeping an eye on the man as he receded to his desk.

You stop yourself from laughing as Sam looks back at you and shrugs with an exaggerated expression.

You turn back to your books with a lingering smile, you and Sam still sitting beside each other.

A while later, you feel something pushing against your arm that was resting on the table.

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