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You walk to the couch were Sam and Jess were making out on. You groan inwardly and pull on Sam's shoulder.

"Hey! Stop making out! Making me feel like the third wheel," you mumble and sit between the two of them. Jess chuckles and Sam scoffs.

"You are the third wheel, Y/n." He groans.

"Hush! Y/n is a gift to this world," Jessica says as she hugs you. You stick your tongue out at Sam and he chuckles. He takes a swig from his beer bottle.

You look around at the party and notice Dan staring at you with a smile on his face.

Well, that's not creepy at all.

Dan Miller is a student at Stanford and has been trying to ask you out for like a month now. He's the popular guy and apparently, it doesn't look good for his reputation if someone turns him down. So you did.

It's not that he's not nice. It's just that with all the stress of college, you don't want to date. Dating is a distraction from what's important.

"Hey, Dan's looking here," you mumble and look down. Sam and Jess turn to look there and Sam scoffs.

"You know, I've had enough with this jackass," he gets up and stares at Dan. "I'm talking to him about this." You raise your eyebrows looking at him. His nostrils were flared and his jaw was clenched.

He's probably getting this angry because he's drunk.

"No, Sam. Sit down. I'll talk to him." You sigh and get up, making your way over to where Dan was standing. You suddenly feel uncomfortable in your black halter top. His back is facing you now.

"Hey, Dan," you say.

His eyes lit up and he turned away from his friends. "Hey, Y/n." His voice was husky and his eyes roamed your body. You fold your arms above your chest.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure," Dan smiles and looks back at his friends. You calm yourself down. Nothing was going to happen.

You walk to the hallway leading to the kitchen because there were hardly any people there. Probably a bad idea.

"Dan... What is your problem?"

"What do you mean, honey?" He gets too close for comfort and looks down at you. You could feel his breath on your forehead.

"Don't make me push you, Dan," you say. He runs his hands up your arm and settles them on your shoulders.

"I don't think you want to," he whispers. You gather up the nerves to push him. Right when you were going to, you hear a familiar voice but it was drowned out by the music.

"She said back off, champ."

Dan scoffs while still looking at you, lust marking the features of his face. He sighs and turns around, still keeping one hand on you.

"What are you going to do about it, Sammy?" He asks. You inhale sharply and twist your head to look at Sam. You shake your head slightly. Both of them were drunk. Both of them could get hurt.

Sam chuckles and looks down before giving Dan an uppercut.

"What the f-" You start but stop when Dan recovers and hits Sam's jaw.

"Sam!" You shout and a crowd starts forming around you guys. Someone pulls you aside but you couldn't care less.

Sam stands up straight. Dan pulls his hand back to deliver another shot but Sam grabs his hand and twists it. Dan groans and Sam completely turns him around easily. He pushes him onto the ground and Dan lands with a thud.

Just Friends? (Sam Winchester × Reader) Supernatural Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now