Brown Eyes

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A/n: Contains triggering content.

It has come to my notice that a few readers may get a bit angry because I've mentioned the eye colour for the M/C.

If you guys have an eye colour other than brown, you may skip this chapter.

If you guys want me to write a personalized chapter for your eye colours then you can comment right here.╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )➝

"Count you in?"

"Yes." You say, blandly.

"Y/n, I don't think you get it. There's stuff worse than this, monsters worse than this. Just because you seduced a Shapeshifter doesn't mean you can be a Hunter!"

You look at him with your mouth hanging.

"How did you know about that?"

"Dean told me."

"You don't- it was all I could do then."

"No, it wasn't. The Y/n I know would have run away and called for help, not seduce a murderer!"

"The hell, Sam! You said it yourself. I didn't have the training to kill the bastard so I did what I could to stall him! To maybe even gain his trust!"

"Oh yeah? And how did you do that?"

By this time, both of you had gotten up from the table and were staring each other down. Or atleast he had to look down and you had to look up.

You calm down. You didn't want to start fighting with Sam. It wasn't worth it. You sit back down on the chair and leave a defeated sigh. Keeping your eyes on his feet, you recall what happened.

"He started talking about how he was alone and had no one to love and how he wasn't loved by anyone. He told me that he was a freak and he mutated. He- he said some.. lewd things to me and that's when I called you."

"Why not call the police?" He interrupts you.

"You guys lied to me the whole time saying that Dean WAS  a cop," you shout loudly, the anger and frustration getting to you. You take a breath and continue,"I tried reasoning with him but he grabbed me and started tying my hands and I didn't know what to do. I- I gave him what he wanted. Human touch."
You put air-quotes as you say it.

"I- now thinking about it... I feel weird. I feel...dirty."

You look up at Sam who's studying you with his colourful eyes.

You bring your hands up to your cheeks when you feel teardrops fall down your face. You swipe them away, waiting for Sam to speak.

He finally sighs and walks towards you, dragging a chair behind him. He sits and holds your hands as he gazes into your brown eyes. Your mind goes immediately to when you and Sam had just met and we're hanging out after class.


You and Sam were eating at the pizza parlor close to your college.

You couldn't help but sneak a few glances at his eyes. Ok, maybe a whole lot of glances.

To you, they were alien. They was amber in towards the iris and the colour gradually turned into greens and blues. They had a tad bit of brown too.

You couldn't just not talk about his eyes for one more second. While he was speaking of what he did in class, you interrupted him, unable to take it anymore.

"Your eyes are beautiful."

He looks at you mid-sentence and his cheeks start darkening. He sputtered.

"I- uh, well...Thank you."

Since you just met him, you decided not to comment on anything and let it be. You just smirked instead.

"I wish I had eyes like yours." You whisper before taking a bite of your pizza slice.

"But brown eyes are beautiful."

You look up at him as if he were crazy and he chuckles.

"Brown eyes give a sense I read somewhere that they're often associated with stability and security."

You look up at him again after taking another bite of your pizza.

"Gee, that's what I want my eyes to associated with."

He chuckles and looks around. You knew that look. You had labelled it as his Thinking Face.

"Ok, well have you seen brown eyes in the sun? They're copper against honey when sunlight passes through them. You don't always notice it at first but you'll see that brown no longer describes them. They melt...into golden rays, circling an eclipse. There's nothing boring about brown eyes, Y/n. They're freakin' beautiful."

You feel yourself blush and really shocked at how fast he came up with such a beautiful answer. You dart your eyes down and bite on your pizza.

Never have you ever felt your cheeks burn as they did right now.

He chuckles when he notices the state your in and sips on his Cola. "Did I bore you or something?"

You look at him." Yeah, or something."

You both chuckle and you feel a tingling sensation in your stomach. Not knowing what it was, you ignored and continued talking to Sam who continued gazing into your eyes for the entire time you were together that day.

Flashback over.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You...did what you thought was right at the moment. At least you weren't hurt that bad."

Sam's speaking breaks you out of the memory and you look into his eyes while he looks into yours.

Your proximity was making your stomach feel weird. You felt your palms sweating as you gazed into each other's eyes. You flick your eyes to his lips for a moment and look back into his eyes. If I just reach out, my lips would brush his-

You immediately pull back, shocked at what you were thinking to do. Sam pulls back too and gives you a tight smile.

"So, I can join you guys right?"

Sam's face immediately fell. "Y/n..."

"What? Jess was like my sister and you know it! I can't let that sorry son of a bitch just go alive!"

"Yeah, I know! Hell, I wanted to propose-" He cuts himself off and becomes serious.
"Dean and I will kill that ass. I can't let you risk your life."

"Well, it's my choice, Sam, whether you like it or not. I'm coming with you guys."

You get up and leave the room. You see Dean standing there awkwardly.

"You were listening in on our conversation, weren't you?" You stand in front of him while he leans against the door of the motel room.

"Uhm- no."

You raise your eyebrows.

"Yes." He looks down in shame and you can't help but chuckle.

"God, you're such a dork."

"A cute one, though." He says as he flashes a charming smile your way.

"So, you're coming with us?"

You look at him and nod. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure I won't have to explain myself since you heard." You give him a bashful smile.

He looked disapprovingly at you but after you tried to convince him, he sighed and went into the motel room. You smiled cheekily as you made your way to yours.

You pack your clothes, your wallet, and your undergarments. You packed everything you thought you'd need.

Cause the hunt for that bastard wouldn't take more than a few weeks, right?

And that's where you were wrong.

Just Friends? (Sam Winchester × Reader) Supernatural Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now