13 | Route 666

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"By 'old friend' you mean...?" Sam waits for Dean to complete his sentence.

"Friend that's not new," Dean says blatantly and you chuckle.

"Ugh, that sass," you sigh.

Sam turns back to look at you and smiles. You see his eyes flick to your left side but you ignore it.

"So, her name's Cassie, huh?" Sam asks Dean while folding his arms. You could see how much Sam was enjoying this. "You never mentioned her."

You guys were on your way to Pennsylvania when Cassie, Dean's friend, called him with news that her dad had died the previous night and she thought something...not natural happened to him.

"Didn't I?"


"Yeah, we went out."

"You mean, you dated someone?" Sam asks, highly amused. Before he can speak again you frown and ask: "What does that mean?"

Sam looks back with a sly smile while Dean stares ahead at the road, quite irritated that you guys were discussing his sex life.

"One night stands, Y/n," Sam says and you make a fish face and nod awkwardly when you understand.

"Dad and I were working a case in Athens, Ohio and she was finishing up college. We went out for a couple of weeks."

"And?" Sam pushes Dean for answers but he just shrugs.

"Look, it's terrible about her dad but it kind of sounds like a standard car accident." As much as you wanted to help the girl, you nodded. "I'm not seeing how it fits what we do."

Sam hesitates before asking again. "Which, by the way, how does she know what we do?" You purse your lips when you realize how that didn't cross your mind.

Another uncomfortable silence.

"You told her. You told her the secret. Our family's rule number one we do what we do and we shut up about it," Sam slightly shouts and you wince. "For a year and a half, I do nothing but lie to Jessica and you go out with this chick to Ohio a couple of times and you tell her everything!"

"Well, you told everything to Y/n, too!" Dean counters back and you feel the pit in your stomach grow when your name is mentioned.

"Woah, I-"

"She's different! She-" Sam says without any reason for why you were different. He just huffs out a breath and turns to look out the window after turning to give a look.

You raise your eyebrows slightly and mumble an 'okay' before looking out the window too.


You guys walk into the newspaper agency's building. If you could use one word to describe it, you would use boring. The gray walls were plain except for the small articles pinned up in various places. The desks were gray and the people working seemed to be very dull. In the middle of the room was a tall man standing with a woman and a shorter man whose backs were facing you.

The men walk away after having a conversation and the woman with the curly hair finally turns around and looks at the three of you. Dean gives her a small smile and nods as she makes her way over to him.

You and Sam look on as it looks like a scene right out of a chick-flick. Sam lets out an adorable snort and you look up at him and smile.

"This my brother Sam and our friend Y/n," Dean gestures to the two of you after them staring at each other for like ten seconds. She smiles slightly at the two of you but turns her attention back to Dean.

Just Friends? (Sam Winchester × Reader) Supernatural Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now