Common Sense- Joshua Bassett

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Author's Note: Long time no talk guys. I hope everyone is well and being safe out in the world right now. But when Joshua was going to release his song Common Sense, I was so happy because when I listened to it on YouTube it was so good. Just to let you know in the gif he was worried that you would not like the song that's why he is looking like that.



Your Pov

I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned, but grabbed my phone and answered it without looking at the caller id. " Hello" I said in my morning voice. I heard a familiar laugh from the other side of the phone. " Did I wake you Y/N/N' he said I just groaned in response. He continued to talk to me about his new song that is coming out tonight. I for one never heard it because the doofus being my boyfriend is, would not let me listen to it. We just chatted away until he told me to come over by around 6:00 to hang with him why we waited for his song to come out. After we exchanged good-byes I got up and walked to my closet to get changed. I picked out a black crop top with a red skater skirt. I put those on and made my way into the bathroom to do my hair.

'Time Skip'

I made my way into the kitchen to grab something to eat before I went out and ran some errands. About 30 minutes later I grab my black high top converse to put on and my purse plus my car keys. While in the car I was jamming out to some music. About an entry I made to Target. I got out of my car and began my journey into the store. I first grabbed a cart then went to the party section. I grabbed some plates, balloons, napkins, streamers, ect. After that I went to the candy section and grabbed as much candy of mine and Josh's favorite sweets. Then got some chips plus I went to the onesies and found matching sets for us.

'Time Skip'

It was around 5:49 and Josh wanted me to pick up some food. I put my shoes back on and headed to (insert favorite restaurant). After I finished getting food I made my way to Josh's house. When I got there I grabbed everything and locked my car. I rang his bell because I could not open it by myself. I heard footsteps coming to open it. " Babe you know you can open..." he stopped and saw that my hands were full. He helped me by taking some to the kitchen and why I kicked his door closed. I followed him and said " Josh I brought snacks and decorations to celebrate with." he just laughed, but was honestly fine with it. We decided to eat first then start decorating.

'Time Skip'

After eating and decorating most of his house I said " Come to the kitchen with me." He followed me and I showed him the matching onesies. We went to separate rooms to put on it. Once I was done I went back to the kitchen and grabbed a surprise cake with 'Congratulations Joshua' with his song underneath his name piped on it. I brought the cake out to the living room where he was on his phone. I showed him the cake and he was very happy because he gave me a really tight hug when I put the cake down. We ate some snacks and some cake before starting the Instagram live.

'Time Skip'

It was about 11:55 and I was starting to get tired, but I pushed through and made it to about the 5 more minutes we have until the song comes out. Josh has been talking and singing songs to his live while my head rested on his shoulder. He was doing this so the fans could get on in the excitement. When 12:00 hit Josh played the song and it was my first time listening to it. I was smiling and I could feel Josh's eyes on me. I turned and hugged him and said " I love the song so much Josh." We stayed on the live for a little longer before heading to bed.


Go stream Common won't regret it.

Guys if you are interested in getting your own story then tell me in the comments or inbox me. I can do the ones I have been doing or it can be a total new person or people.


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