Cornelia Street- Harry Styles

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Author's Note- This imagine was requested by my amazing sister @patchitupgood. This is another lyric.

Song: Cornelia Street

Written By: Taylor Swift



Your POV

'We were in the backseat, Drunk on something stronger than in the drinks in the bar, "I rent a place on Cornelia Street", I say casually in the car, We were a fresh page on the desk, Filling in the blanks as we go, As if the street lights pointed in an arrowhead, Leading us home.'

I just got home from a very stressful day at work, so I decided to order an Uber to go to the club to drink my day away. While I was getting dressed up I haven't talked to in a while. I smiled at the photo and continued getting ready.

'Time Skip'

It's been a few hours since I got here and I was starting to feel drunk. While I was looking around I thought I saw Harry my best friend, but thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me.

Harry's POV

I was at the club drinking my feelings away when I saw an all too familiar girl standing close to the bar. I got out of my seat and walked up to her.

" Y/n!" I said

She turned her head and looked at me before saying...

" Harrrrryyyy issss that you."

I smiled at her since she drank much more than me.

" Yes, it's me. How about we get out of here to catch up."

She nodded her head and grabbed her phone to order an Uber.

'Time Skip'

We got into the Uber when Y/n said " I rented a place on Cornelia Street."

I looked at her confused, but didn't question her weird behavior. We thanked the Uber driver and walked around Cornelia Street.

Your POV

'Windows flung right open, autumn air, Jacket 'round my shoulders is yours, We bless the rains on Cornelia Street, Memorize the creaks in the floor, Back when we were card sharks, playing games, I thought you were leading me on, I packed my bags, left Cornelia Street, Before you even knew I was gone.'

'Couple Months Later'

Harry and I have started dating. I fall in love with him everyday, but I never said those words to him yet because I am scared that he may not love me. Harry and I have been living in this apartment for awhile, but my brain won't leave me alone. ( You're not good enough, he should deserve better.) I then start thinking that our relationship is just a big joke.

'Time Skip'

The thought kept coming back to me. I knew I shouldn't leave, but Harry went out with his friends so I went to pack all my things and made my journey somewhere else.

Harry's POV

'But then you called, showed your hand, I turned around before I hit the tunnel, Sat on the roof, you and I.'

I got home from hanging out with my friends when I saw Y/n packing up her car. I walked up to her and grabbed her hand. She jumped at the contact.

" Where are you going?"

" Leaving." She simply said

" Why?"

" Do you even love me?" She asked

I stared at her for a while until I grabbed her hand again and walked up to the roof. When we got to the roof I sat her down at the little table we had up here.

" I do love you. I love you so much." I confessed

I could see tears well up in her eyes. I got up and hugged her while she cried.

'Time Skip'

'You hold my hand on the street, Walk me back to that apartment. Years ago, we were just inside, Barefoot in the kitchen, sacred new beginnings, That became my religion, listen.'

I took her out to a nice restaurant. I was getting kind of nervous when we got there because I was going to propose to her tonight. We had a blast laughing, talking and smiling. Before we went back home I took her to a secret spot of mine. When she looked around she was distracted so I got down on one knee and said...

" Y/n, we have been best friends for years until one day we lost touch. I was sad when we didn't talk, but the day at the club when I saw you for the first time in forever I was happy. I love you so much. So will you make me the happiest guy and marry me?"

She nodded her head yes really fast while crying. I slid the ring on her finger and hugged her and kissed her passionately. We both then decided to take a walk on Cornelia Street we grew to love.

Your POV

'I hope I never lose you, I'd never walk Cornelia Street again, Oh, never again, And baby, I get mystified, by how this city screams your name, And baby, I'm so terrified of it you ever walk away, I never walk Cornelia Street again, I'd never walk Cornelia Street again.'

Harry and I were walking around a park, but I was starting to feel like he might leave me for someone better than me. I think he could sense something was wrong because he looked at me and squeezed my hand with a smile on his face. I smiled a real one because I knew he was in it for the long road with me. He's not going anywhere anytime soon.


Enjoy the one and only Harry Styles!!!

Tip- Don't drink and drive kids ( my sister was like don't write that, but I did hehe)


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