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Elle and Mila never ceased to amuse me with their polar opposite personalities.

Elle was the one who would scratch you if she wanted, was fierce and detested affection.

And Mila? She lived for attention. And mainly the attention that could be drawn from affection.

My babies. I loved them.

"Wow, this pasta is absolutely awesome." You mumbled, taking another spoonful of pasta.

"I am glad that you liked it."

"Liked it? I absolutely loved it."

I pretended to wipe a tear. "Look? Tears of happiness."

"My friends & I could never, we are talentless."

"Oh shush, all of you have talents. And I don't think having many talents fits well with everyone to be honest."

"What do you mean?"

I sighed, taking Mila in my lap and petting her. "My ex, he found my intellect and talents intimidating. One of the prime reasons of the downfall of our relationship."

"What an idiot to have let you go just like that. What were the other reasons? And yes I know I am a nosey bitch." You said, putting the empty plate in the sink.

I let out a sigh as I continued,"He couldn't make out much time for me. And he also thought that I was cheating on him with Kaleb. I am many things but a cheater. I am very loyal. And not only that, but he later tried to guilt trap me in staying."

"I don't know your ex but I can tell that he was a big idiot and a douchebag."

I shrugged, giving you a tight lipped smile. You kept a hand on my shoulder and poked my dimple.

"Your dimple is really cute."

"Thank you."

A comfortable silence settled in between us as we looked out, peering into the marvellous garden your mom took so much care of.

"Cheating." You suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.


"My ex, Brittany. She cheated on me."

Now if it was some other incident, I would have inquired further. But Deeley had warned me about how sensitive the topic of your ex was. About how you never told anyone about your ex. So I tried to dodge it.

"That is such an asshole move. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

"No, I want to. I want to tell you, I want you to know about the incidents that shaped the person I am today."

I nodded , scooting closer to you and laying my hand on yours.

"She cheated on me with my best friend, Dylan. And Dylan cheated on Deeley with Brittany."

I looked down, a wave of sadness crashing into me as I heard the pain in your voice.

"I lost my first love and my childhood best friend the same day. And that's why I am so reserved, why I have so many trust issues."

I clutched your hand tightly and you held my hand tightly, as if gaining support by my touch.

"You're very strong, I admire it." I said, giving you a sad smile.

"And I admire your cheerfulness. You brighten up my days Elaine, and that's why I call you sunshine." You smiled, the atmosphere lightening slightly.

Mila purred lowly, rubbing her head against your leg.

"Ah, looks like Mila wants affection." I laughed, crouching down and petting Mila.

She purred in delight and I played with her a little more as you took a few steps back. But I could feel your eyes on us.

"What?" I smiled at you as I caught you smiling at us.

"For a girl who tries to be all cool and apathetic, you sure do love physical affection." You spoke up, scrunching up your face and laughing.

I pretended to be shocked and whispered loudly,"It's a secret, don't tell anyone. But I absolutely love cuddling."

"Oh really? Then you're in luck, sunshine. I give the best cuddles ever. Ask, Mila."

Mila chirped at that very moment as if agreeing with your statement.

I was about to reply when Elle snaked around your foot and started scratching gently, trying to get your attention.

You lifted her up and placed her in your lap.

"Damn, looks like Elle signed up for the offer first." We both burst out into laughter as Elle let out a proud meow.

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