Chapter 23

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Crow made his way into the kitchen as soon as he got inside. He opened the fridge and found a drawer with a symbol he saw before. He looked to his right wrist and saw that it was the same emblem.

When did this get here? He tried to open it with his left hand but found that it wouldn't open, until he grabbed the handle with his right hand. The symbol on the drawer and on his wrist began to glow red. Crow released the handle in fright, the glowing ceased. He grabbed it again, the glowing beginning again, and pulled. The drawer opened, inside were blood packets with several different types ranging from type A, type B, type AB, and type O. He pulled them all out and put them back, piling Type A on Type A. He organized them and picked up a packet, it was a type A. He smelled the packet, his canines elongating. He then bit into the packet and tasted the cool, sweet liquid flow down his throat. Before he realized it he was done with the bag. He tossed it in the trash and walked upstairs to get ready for bed.

He went to his room and grabbed pajamas before heading into the bathroom to take a shower. He looked into the mirror and saw that his teeth hadn't shrunk back to their regular size yet.

Damn it just go back already. Suddenly, as if on cue, they started to shrink. He smiled.

Suddenly, the lights started to flicker and the reflection in the mirror began to change. In the mirror stood a man as tall as him, with horns beginning to protrude from his forehead. His skin began to change to a black with red swirls and a tail began to sway back and forth from the man in the mirror. His eyes began to glow red. Crow couldn't believe his eyes. He began to extend his arm to the mirror with fear. The man in the mirror reached his out at the same time. When Crow touched the mirror the lights came back. In front of him was his own reflection once again.

What was that? He waited a bit before beginning to head into the doorway with the toilet and the shower.

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