Chapter 5

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I pushed open the door and I couldn't believe what was before my eyes. Everything was trashed and Ace had a busted lip as well as busted knuckles but still he wouldn't stop punching the wall. I was so confused and scared at the same time. I never thought of Ace like this as in, he can ever be so angry that he will start to hurt himself.

"Ace stop !" I yelled but he didn't listen. "Ace I said stop, you're hurting yourself". "What's it to you, go from here" Ace said while punching the wall. He left me with no choice. I stood between him and the wall and shut my eyes hoping I won't regret doing this, and all of a sudden tears started to roll down my eyes. Ace didn't punch again.

"Why are you standing here, you could have gotten hurt" Ace sounded furious. "I know you would never hurt me" I replied.

"Im sorry Ash I didn't mean for you to get scared" he said while wiping down my tears and his tone suddenly changed to calm. I made him sit on his bed and bandaged him, wiped his blood with a washcloth. I turned back to leave and Ace held my wrist forcing me to turn around.

"why are you avoiding me Ash?" He questions with his deep eyes. " I-I Ace." I seemed to be in lost of words which is very unlikely.I didn't like what Ace was doing to me. I turned back and ran out of his room. I didn't want to explain the chaotic mess to him, but I can't loose him either. Ace is the most precious thing to me and he can't know this either. I know he won't stay forever, and I won't be able to accept it.

It's been a week since I have spoken to Ace. Our finals were coming so usually all of us would be in our room studying so it wasn't that hard to avoid him since no one had time to do anything else. We are all sitting in the living room and having a discussion. "I am so exited holidays are coming " Lucy stated. 

"Yeah it's been a long semester" Chris says. "Indeed it has" I reply.

"We should do something for the holidays" Emma suggested.

"Yeah not a bad idea" Scott says.

"I think we should all go to Seattle" Lucy says

I shudder at the thought of going back. I can't go back to where I came from, all those memories.I haven't told anyone about my past either and I don't want to bring it up. Ace must have seen the look on my face because he spoke up.

" No guys, I don't think Seattle is a good place"

"How about Bora Bora you guys ?" I suggested

"Yes this is perfect" Emma jumps up and down.

"Omg yesss" Lucy says.

"So it's settled, pack your bags folks we are going to BORA BORA" Scott and Chris practically scream.

"Not so fast, we still have 2 and a half months left" Emma sighes.

We all laugh and I admit I was very enthusiastic about going. I always loved travelling, seeing new people, discovering new places. The next day at college I walked out of my chemistry class and Matt from my class came running behind.

"Hey Ash" Matt yelled.

"Oh hi Matt" I replied facing him.

"How was class" He questioned.

"Class was good" I replied wondering what he has to say.

"So what are you doing this evening Ash ?" He asked

" I am not sure why ?" I answered.

"Do you want to go out somewhere with me?"He questioned

"What as a date?" I asked wondering, cause let me tell you I wasn't up for that.

"yeah I guess so" He answered.

" Oh you see the thi-" I started to begin but got interrupted by Ace.

" No Matt, she is going out with me" Ace spoke up.

Now I don't know why my Matt ran off. I was so pissed off at Ace, who the hell does he think he is. He can't make like decisions for me just like that out of no frekin where.

"what was that Ace" I asked being very annoyed

"what was what?"Ace replied trying to be completely clueless

"Ace why did you tell Matt that I am going out with you?" I asked being very irritated.

"Cause you are not going out with him" Ace demanded more than explaining.

"Okay here is the thing Ace, you do not come up to any person I talk to and just say random things out of no where. I can go where ever I want with whoever I want, so do not make the mistake of making my decisions for me, because I am well clearly capable of doing them myself" I sounded very pissed off but instead he calmly replied

"yeah but you don't date"

"I can not believe you" I scoffed and went away. Like he does have the gutts to get on my nerves after he knows he is wrong.

 I went home and instantly I could smell cookies. I went inside wondering who could possibly bake cookies since the house was all quiet. I went into the kitchen and my eyes refused to believe what I saw. Ace. He was baking cookies. I couldn't help but blush at how cute he looked, of course he has have his shirt off. His tattoos and his muscles...goodness.

"Done staring" Ace speaks up pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I - um don't flatter yourself Ace" I say. I am probably very red right now. "So since when do you bake cookies ?" I ask being very surprised.

"Since I was a child Ash, I don't know today I just felt like having some and no one was home so I baked them. I didn't know you would be home so early" He explains.

"Why are you embarrassed to bake cookies in front of everyone" I question amusement clearly visible in my tone.

" No one expects me to bake cookies Ash, just like you. Everyone expects me to be the bad boy and the party boy soo" He says. Hmm he has got a point I think to myself.

"You need any help ?" I ask while getting closer.

"Nope I am almost done but you can help me eat them" he says with a smile on his face. Everything feels so amazing whenever he smiles. I swear its my favorite.

Ace and I had so much fun. We were running around the house like little kids, had cookies that were very scrumptious. For once in a very long time everything felt fine and not so fucked up. I have never seen this playful side of Ace and to be honest I loved this side of his because he made everything seem fine. It wasn't long before everyone headed back home but Ace and I made the cookies our little secret, and no one should find out we had cookies that Ace made.

After dinner we all sat together in the living room. It's just something we all do every night and talk about our day, and any gossips that we heard through out the day.

"Guys do you know about the camping trip that is coming up?"Chris questioned.

"yeah, it sounds like fun" Emma responded sounding interested.

"Well we could all use some fun" Scott says looking very excited.

"So it is settled then we are all going to go, who is coming ?" Lucy asks.

All of us raised our hands up except Ace. I gave a very puzzled look towards him bur Chris must have noticed because he explained, "don't worry Ash , Ace usually never comes to trip like these". Ace glanced at me and suddenly my phone rang.

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