Chapter 19

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The day passed by quickly but it was very weird. Not as in weird when it normally is but very weird for real. I was certain by the end of the day that Ace and Jack don't get together but there was also something I couldn't quite put a finger on. After every class I came out of Ace would look at me as if he is scared to death. Jack kept glaring at Ace and Ace to Jack. 

I thought a lot about the text message I got, as well as Jack but it seems like there is more to the puzzle. I for once made a smart decision and decided to ask Scott to track the location of the number that I received the message from. As the last class of the day ended, Jack and I came out of class and as every other class of the day Ace was standing there beforehand. 

"Hey" Ace says.

"Hi" I reply back.

"So you ready to go?" Ace asks me.

"Yeah" I reply. As I started to walk Jack called my name.

"Ash" Jack half yells.

"Yeah?" I turn back facing him and Ace's grip on my hand tightened.

"Do you maybe wanna hang out later?" Jack asks me.

"Yeah sure I'd-" I begin to say but I get interrupted by Ace.

"No she is busy" Ace simply says. I gave a death glare to Ace and begin speaking again.

"I'd love to Jack" I say smiling at him.

"So at 5?" He asks.

"Yeah sure where?" 

"I was thinking the ice cream place. I will come to pick you up if you don't mind" Jack smiles at me.

"Yeah great" I say and start walking towards the car. "Ash" I heard Ace yell but I kept walking and sat in the car.

"What's wrong" Ace says panting and sitting on the driver's seat.

"What's wrong you ask me?" I half yell at Ace. I was beyond mad at him for saying that I am busy to Jack. I know something is up.

"Ashley calm down" Ace says calmly.

"Ace what was that?" I say calmly controlling my anger.

"What was what?" he asks me with ever so innocence. 

"Ace why did you tell Jack that I am busy?" I ask again.

"Ash you shouldn't hang out with him" Ace simply says.

"Why not?" I ask him hoping I would get something out of him.

"It's just I-" Ace began to come up with excuses but this time i interrupted him.

"Is it because of the text message I got" I say straight up.

Ace was driving and he suddenly slammed on the brakes so hard we both jerked forward.

"A-ash what do you mean?" He asks with fear.

"Nothing I am saying is because you don't trust him?" I say

"Y-yeah that is exactly why. Since the message I can't trust anyone" Ace says easing up a bit.

"Ace it's fine" I assure him. "Also you can track my phone so you will always know where I am".

"Yeah" Ace says and starts driving again.

I still had the gut feeling that Ace is hiding something from me, but I don't know why. He shared everything with me and he can trust me. I planned to go home and ask Scott to do what I had thought of earlier.

We reached home and I head straight to my room. "Ash" Ace calls from behind but I just ignored him and went inside my room. I keep away my backpack and lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling I debate with myself if I really want to ask Scott to figure out the location. There was a knock at the door and I was pulled out of my thoughts. "come in" I murmured.  

I turn my head to the side to see Ace standing there. He closed the door behind him and came and laid down beside me. "I'm sorry for my outburst" Ace says while tangling his fingers into mine. I stayed silent. "I don't trust anyone, I haven't trusted anyone until you and that's it. I can't lose you" Ace explained. I still stayed silent. "Ash why won't you say something?" Ace asked. Before he got the chance to say something else I kissed him.

"Ace it's okay" I explain. "I just want you to be able to trust me, I haven't trusted anyone too until you so trust me I know. I know what it feels like" 

"I am so sorry " Ace says simply. Before anything we hear Emma calling for lunch so we went downstairs. After lunch we all sat together in the lounge as always and we were having a discussion.

"So this new guy " Lucy begins.

"Yeah Jackson but I call him Jack". I explain.

"Ooh looks like he is already liking you. You two were inseparable today" Emma says laughing.

"No guys it isn't like that. I saw him in the morning since I left early and I promised to help him around since he is new here" I explain.

"Oh okay" Lucy laughs

I look at my phone and see the time. It was 4:30 and I had to go and get ready. I stood up to leave but Chris spoke.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Oh I have to be somewhere" I simply reply.

"Somewhere where?" Emma asked.

"I am going out with Jack" I sigh giving up because they won't leave me until I tell them.

As soon as I said that all of them look at Ace and then me.

"I - I'm so sorry I didn't know you guys broke up" Lucy says.

"W-what no!" I quickly say and Ace smirks. "Jack is just taking me to the ice cream shop to hang out" I explain.

"Oh" Lucy laughs nervously.

I get dressed in a white floral dress, I curl my hair and put it into a ponytail and apply light makeup.

"You look pretty"Scott says and Ace glares at him.

"Thank you" I smile and then someone knocked at the door.

I opened the door to see Jack standing there and I must say I haven't noticed before but he was good looking.

"You look gorgeous" Jack says but he freezes at his place. I turn around to see Ace staring at him, I sigh it wasn't the first time he did something like this. 

I sit in his car and he starts driving.

"So tell me something" I say cutting the silence off.

"Hmm" He replied back.

"What happened between you and Ace" I say and he immediately tenses up.

"N-nothing" Jack quickly says.

"No Jackson tell me, there is something going on but that I don't know about" I say sternly.

"Okay I can't say much but there is something that is there and you don't know" He says.

"Jack how am I supposed to know if you hide it and your not helping" I say.

"Leave it for now" He says and I drop it instantly.

The ice cream place I must say was very cute and aesthetic looking. We got a booth and started talking about things.

"So you never told me are you from here or" Jack asks.

"No I am also from seattle" I say.

"Funny, I would have know that a very pretty girl lives there" He says and I chuckle.

We asked each other many questions and then there was the question I hated. About my parents and the past. I told him and he immediately tenses up. He stops eating and then I don't know I saw something flash in his eyes. Worry? Hate? Sadness?

"Let's go" he simply said out of the blue.

"What we didn't even fin-". " I said lets go now" Jack said and grabbed my hand and rushed out of the place.

Authors note

What did Jack see? Is there something that Ashley needs to know?

Wait to find out ;)

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