Chapter 13

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All of us ended up meeting at the reception first and then going to the restaurant. I must say all of us looked very fancy and I liked it. I was appalled just at the entrance of the place, it was magnificent and even more astounded when we entered the restaurant. It was glorious and gigantic.

Everything was so fancy and everyone there were dressed in their best. We got a table for 6 and the waiter handed us our menu. I was amazed at how all the dishes were at a reasonable price. I ordered some sushi, steak, a mixed fruit cocktail and for dessert I ordered red velvet cake which Ace and I shared. The service was great and I must say the food was delicious, I was so full and I have never had sushi this good. I wonder if they make it in a different way...who knows. 

I noticed that something was really off with Ace, he kept mumbling some sort of thing to himself. He looked really nervous for some reason and when I asked him he brushed it off saying it was nothing.Emma and Lucy were also giving me the looks saying I know something that you don't. I didn't really know what was going on.

After dinner somehow the entire group disappeared and I was left with Ace.

"Um you wanna go for a walk out in a garden nearby ?" Ace asks me with hopeful eyes.

" Yeah sure" I replied with a slight smile.

We were taking a nice long and peaceful stroll and Ace was still so nervous but this time I didn't ask. Suddenly Ace stopped and turns towards me looking straight into my blue eyes. I looked around and the place was very pretty. Then Ace speaks up.

"Uh Ash I need to say something"

"Um yeah Ace tell me I'm listening" I assure him. Ace takes in a deep breath and pulls out a red rose from his coat pocket.

"Ashley, I know everything about your past and I know how broken you are. I know you fear losing the people you love, but I want to show you that I can stay and that I will stay. Man I am head over heels over you Ash. I really really like you, you make me want to become a better person. I always want you around me, you are the most important person in my life and you make me feel like my life isn't so fucked up. I cannot imagine my life without you Ashley so this is why I am asking you today...will you be my girlfriend?" Ace says.

I am stood there wide eyed trying to process everything that this guy in front of me just said. I am unable to think straight, Ace likes me and gosh how much I like him but I don't know if I should do this. But I really like him too. You know what I am done being sad and miserable all the time and I want to be happy and live my life, not being afraid of anything that is coming my way.

 I hope Ace keeps his promise of staying by my side because I don't know what will happen then. Wow I am really going to do this.

"Yes I will be Ace and I really like you a lot too" I reply and take the rose from his hand being genuinely happy this time.

I swear Ace had the biggest smile on him and his eyes sparkled like a 5 years old's on christmas. He gave me the tightest hug but it wasn't just a hug it was full of saying that I won't leave you and I will always be there by your side.

All of a sudden the rest of the group came and now I realize what was all the giggling and nervousness about at dinner.

"Yes, I knew it" Lucy says and gives me a hug.

"I always knew you two will look good together" Emma says.

"It was so hard for me to keep them in their place and not jump out" Scott and Chris say.

We all went back to our rooms since we all were tired. It was the best feeling in the world to get into your pyjamas and take off your contacts and makeup. I was putting everything in the closet when Ace snaked his arm around my waist and I turn back looking at him.

"You know you looked beautiful tonight" Ace says.

"Thanks you know you didn't look bad yourself" I giggle.

"Oh really" Ace smirks and picks me up on his shoulder.

"Ace put me down" I laugh.

"Oh no that isn't going to happen" Ace laughs back.

"Aceeee downnn now" I squeal.

He finally drops me on the bed. Ace was laughing so much and the first time in a long time I felt that I was home. Nothing ever felt like home until now with Ace.

"are you tired?" I ask Ace.

"No not really why?" He asks sitting next to me.

"Oki let's go" I say, I stand up and grab his hand.

"W-what Ash where are we going and we are in our pj's" Ace says while his hand was still in mine.

"We can go in our pyjamas it's fine" I tell him.

"Okayy" Ace says smiling.

We walk for a while hand in hand and we have a little chit-chat about everything. Soon we were walking up a hill and we stop.

"Ashley this is amazing" Ace says while looking down at the lights that lit up the island.

"I know right" I say as I sit down next to Ace.

"It's peaceful, you're my peace Ash" Ace says and looks up at me.

I have no idea if I was so consumed up by Ace or by the view because I didn't believe myself when I spoke up.

"I love you Ace" I say looking at him.

"I love you Ashley" Ace says smiling at me.

"Thank you for everything" I say.

"No thank you Ash" He says and we both smile at each other.

I lay my head on his shoulder. I was finally happy with Ace and no matter what I will fight for him, he is my home and I never thought I will let my walls down but I did and I don't regret it.

Authors note

Yayyy they are together but will they stay together or will Ashley's past stand in front of her once again?

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