Chapter 8

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"After that everything fell apart. I was at my lowest, I pushed all my friends away and well I was all alone". I explained.

"Okay last question, Why didn't you want to think of me. What do you think of me?" Ace questions me with hope in his eyes. 

This was the question I was dreading to answer and honestly I don't know how to put it in to words without sounding crazy.

"Okay, It's because my fate has never been kind to me. Happiness has never stayed by me and you came in my life all of a sudden. How did fate want to be kind to me all of a sudden? I know you will leave too, and I just can't handle that. I can't lose you. I like you a lot Ace" I explained.

I looked over to him and Ace was trying to hide the smile that was on his face. Ace glanced over to see me staring he got embarrassed.

"Okay now your turn" He says.

"Tell me about your family" I ask, Ace immediately tenses up at the mention of his family but I wanted to know him.

"My mother is not alive, well she was murdered." I gasp and I see him cry, but I let him continue. "I don't have any siblings" He stops.

"Well what about your father?" I ask. Immediately his knuckles turn white.

"He is a horrible person, a murderer. He should be dead by now" He speaks with venom coated on every word he says.

There was silence. I could hear the waves crash and the moon light shining on the water when suddenly Ace spoke up.

"Ash, I really like you a lot and I am not like everyone. I won't ever leave you, I will always be there for you"

"Ace nobody stays forever" I shrug but smile at his confession.

"I will be your nobody then " He says.

I can't believe  everything he just said. I feel safe around him. We look into each others eyes before he leans in to kiss me. I don't pull away, he pulls me by my waist to bring my closer to him and I put my hands around his neck. For once this feels right. I would like to believe his promise for now. We go back to where our tents were when I realise.

"Uh Ace where should I go, remember I came with Matt" I say while rolling my eyes at the mention of Matt.

"I knew you would come by, come with me " He winks at me.

Ace's tents was kinda spacious and cozy. We both were tired and drifted into deep sleep as soon as we lay down. The next morning I wake up and some deep brown eyes were already staring at me.

"Good morning, love" Ace says. My stomach tightens when he says love.

"You know you shouldn't stare" I remind him and he laughs showing his absolutely cute dimples.

"You were looking beautiful and peaceful while sleeping" He says. Beautiful !? Has he lost his mind. I probably look horrible.

"I am a mess" I say.

"Yeah a beautiful mess" Ace says and he smile because he probably saw me blushing like crazy.

We got ready for the day and met up with our friends.

"So are you guys a thing now" Lucy says narrowing her eyes at Ace and I.

"No babe, Ash doesn't date remember" Chris answers Lucy.

"Yeah I don't date " I reply getting a stare from Ace. He looked hurt and I hated hurting him but he didn't speak about it. I know he wants more but I don't know if I will ever be able to give him more.

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