Chapter 10

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On the way to our gate I stopped by at a coffee shop to get myself some coffee to calm down my nerves. Like out of all the people I could have sit with, I get to sit next to Ace. How ironic I thought to myself. We also stopped by a store to buy candies and other snacks.

I was nervous as hell as I made my way into the plane. I was in complete shock after I set foot in the plane. Chris bough us first class tickets and in first class everyone is sat in twos. The sight was very luxurious.

"Chris, you didn't have to get us the expensive seats" I say in complete awe.

"No Ash, it's fine. I hope all of us enjoy our time on the plane ride" he says.

"Oh yes we will" Ace says while winking at me.

Oh no, help me someone I mentally scream. All our seats were further away from each other. Emma and Scott had their seats in the left front of the plane while Lucy and Chris had their seats had the back right side. Ace and I had out seats in the centre. I kinda wished we all were close by but I let it slip. The seats were very comfortable and wide. There was an enormous amount of leg space and a huge T.V screen attached in front of me. The armrests could be moved but I preferred them in between. We got a pouch which had all the things we could need, toiletries and eye masks. The blankets and pillows were there too. 

"So are you ready Ash ?" Ace asks me while giving me the biggest smile ever.

"Yeah" I reply back with a smile. My heart warmed up seeing Ace smiling like that.

The plane flew off, and from a distance I could see the small world beneath us. I drifted off thinking about how my life changed within a small amount of time. I was so miserable before and now I am sitting in a first class seat of an airplane, going to a great vacation with amazing friends and the guy I love. 

I don't know if Ace feels the same way, but I never planned on falling for him. Now I can't help it, everything about him matters to me. It wasn't long before I realised that I am in love with him even tho I fought myself not to. Suddenly I felt something on my shoulder I looked over to see Ace leaning on my shoulder and sleeping. His dark curls falling over is face, he was sleeping peacefully I leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek. I put my head over his and drifted off to sleep.

I don't know for how long I slept for put I felt Ace hand caressing my cheek.I realized he was awake and I was sleeping on his shoulder. I was going to flutter my eyes open when I heard Ace speak while still caressing my cheek.  "Ashley I don't know how to explain my feelings for you. Your different than everyone I want you to know I will never leave you, your so beautiful in every possible way I have never felt this way and you make me go crazy. I love you Ash".

I swear my heart stopped beating when he said I love you Ash. I know I couldn't be dreaming, I just couldn not. Just then Ace placed a soft kiss on my cheek and turned back to watching the T.V that was in front of him. I took a few seconds to absorb everything and tried not to freak out and then opened my eyes.

"Morning love" Ace said with his sparkling brown eyes.

"Morning" I replied. I just did not know how to react with him around me after all that he said which was not meant for me to hear.

I had breakfast and to be honest the breakfast that was served was delicious. I had eggs and bacon with fruits and orange juice. I stood up to go the bathroom to freshen up when Ace pulled my wrist. "don't go " He said with fear in his eyes and I didn't know why he had that fear. What was he scared of?. "I am just going to the bathroom Ace" I said chuckling. He got slightly embarrassed but recovered quickly.

I went to the bathroom and to my surprise it was huge. Like very luxurious, I wonder how they were able to fit in such a luxurious bathroom inside a plane. I brushed my teeth, applied some light makeup. I put my hair in a bun since I wasn't in the mood to make it and wore my glasses.

I made my way to the seat and Ace was just staring at me with his eyes wide open. "What's wrong?" I said giggling. "N-nothing it's just you look very pretty" He replies. To be quite honest I was caught off guard by his reply but I didn't let surprise flash over my face.

Ace's P.O.V

I swear I felt Ashley kiss my cheek when I was sleeping. She makes me the happiest guy on earth, I woke up to see Ashley sleeping on my shoulder peacefully and I didn't want to wake her up, I sit up further and look at the sleeping girl that I am desperately in love with. She is so beautiful and gorgeous and she didn't know that herself. The pink hair is suiting her a lot. She got up to go to the bathroom but I was scared that she will want to change seats or something like that. I am always scared that she will leave me. After a while she came from the bathroom and I swear my mouth was dangling wide open, she looked so goddamn dead drop gorgeous and she doesn't even have to try. I love this girl and she drives me crazy in the best way possible. Ash doesn't know what I have in store for her.

Ashley's P.O.V

We were in the middle of watching our own movies when it suddenly got cold and I started to shiver. Ace must have noticed because he moved the armrest from between us and placed the other half of the blanket that he was wearing on me. I instantly warmed up, not because of the blanket but because of Ace. Soon enough we were cuddling and when Ace noticed he kind of got awkward because he didn't know if I would agree to it or not.

I stopped listening to my brain and nuzzled further into him and he relaxed. He looks to me his eyes piercing into mine and he gives me the most cutest smile ever. His arm snaked around my waist pulling me closer and he held me close to him. I rested my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat it was music to my ears. At this point I was not even watching the movie and I was just taking in the moment.

Soon but not soon enough we landed and the second I stepped out of the plane I could feel the tropical weather. It was beautiful, the water was so crystal clear and Chris informed us that we have to take a shuttle to get to our resort.We picked up our luggage and I was very excited to get to our resorts, I was hoping I get to share a room with one of the girls...anyone but not Ace because I will not be in my senses and I know it won't end well.

Soon we stopped in front of a cute hutt it said it was the reception. We all went one by one and got our keys to the hotel. Ace disappeared suddenly and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I wasn't sharing rooms with Ace thank goodness. We all went our separate ways and decided to meet up at the restaurant for lunch at 2 pm. I walked on the boardwalk to get to my  hutt/room. The water was beautiful and what made it even more prettier was the bright sun that was shining on it. 

I spotted a private pool attached to my room which was amazing. I put the key card in and entered.It was also very beautiful from the inside. I place my luggage inside the bedroom and I saw some more luggage. Hmm it's probably Lucy or Emma's I thought to myself. I made my way over to the private pool which had the most beautiful views and the pool itself had a jacuzzi option.

"Whatcha looking at ?" A voice way to familiar spoke. I gulped and turned around to see ACE!. He was shirtless revealing his perfectly toned muscles and abs. His body was heaven.

"w-what are you doing here?" I questioned being very nervous.

"This is our room we're sharing" He said and I stopped in my dead tracks.

What the actual heck!? I will be sleeping on the same bed as Ace and live with him for then next month. No this can't be happening....

Authors note

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Some great things are going to happen....brace yourselves ;)

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