Chapter 27

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It was like Jack read my mind because he said " you need to find him". I just nod and not caring about my outfit or the food, I grab my coat and head out the door to find Ace. My Ace. I walk around the streets of New York, looking at every person that passes by me. I stop by every hotel to see if Ace is staying there.

I don't know why but I desperately want to find him, or for him to find me before anything bad happens. Now that I know what's at stake I am scared. Very scared. I just don't want anymore trouble. What if Ace's father finds me before Ace does ? No, no that will not happen. 

I continue roaming around the street of New York until I reach at the last hotel for the day. I ask if a person named Ace checked in and she says yes. I don't know what to do anymore. I am scared but I really want to meet him. I take a tough decision and ask the lady for the room number. As the elevator goes up and opens my heat beats loud in my chest. 

I raise my hand to knock on the door. My hand is shaking so much and I am very nervous. Ace opens the door and I freeze. "Ashley?" Ace says. I break down into cries. He looks like a mess, like he haven't been sleeping. "Ace" I sob. I go and hug him tight. Ace hugs me back as if he is not going to let go. We look into each others eyes and I kiss him as if my life depends on it. He kisses me back with everything he has, pouring all his emotions out. 

I look up to him and see him crying now. "Ash, please hear me out I'm so sorry" Ace says between his sobs. "Ace I know. I know everything, Jack told me. I forgive you" I say and hug him once more. "H-he did?" Ace asks me with now bloodshot eyes. "Yeah, yeah" I say.

"I love you" Ace says. "I love you too Ace. I promise I won't go again" I say. "I promise i won't leave you ever" He says and we both sit with our back against the wall. We sit in silence and after a while I look to find Ace sleeping. He looks so peaceful and my heart breaks for him. I don't want to leave him ever. I rest my head on his shoulder and sleep.

The next morning I wake up before Ace does and I don't want to wake him up. I get up and go to the bathroom to freshen up. I look like a mess from all that crying. I come out the bathroom and check my phone only to find a hundred missed calls and texts from Jack. Shit, I forgot to tell him. I quickly call him and he picks up the phone. "Ashley, god are you okay?" he frantically asks me. "Yeah I - I found him" I say. "What? " Jack asks me shocked. "Yeah I am sorry I forgot to inform you" I say feeling guilty. "God Ash I thought they found you or something. You had me worried sick." Jack scolds me. "I'm sorry" I say once more. Suddenly I hear Ace screaming. "I got to go Jack. I will be back home soon bye" I say and run out.

"Ash, Ash" Ace was searching frantically. "Ace I am here" I say and his eyes soften. "Just don't ever scare me like that" He says and I nod. We had breakfast and we sat on the couch. "So you know everything?" he asks and I nod. "I know that your father is behind me now. I know Ace" I say and his eyes got wide. "I know Ash this is all too much for you. You can leave if you want to" he says. "No Ace I am here to stay. I am not leaving not now not ever." I say making myself clear.

Ace holds my hands and says "Fine, I promise I will protect you no matter what." We both head out the door to go head back to my house. He holds my hand tightly as we walk. "Do you want coffee?" he asks me. "Yep" I smile back at him. "Wait here I'll go get it." he says. 

I waited for a while when Ace came out and he looks at me wide eyed and drops the coffee. I realise that he is looking behind me. "F-father" Ace stutters.

I turn around to see Ace's father with his group of men. Robert pointing a gun directly at me and I freeze.

Authors Note

OMG, whatttt !? 

So sorry to leave this chapter on a cliff hanger

I can't believe this book is close to the end. Thank you so much for all the reads please vote before you leave it will mean a lot.

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