Chapter 6

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My phone screen showed an unknown number. I was trying to think of who this can possibly be when Scott spoke up. "Oh its Matt". "Matt ?, but who gave him my number ?" I ask narrowing my eyes at all of them since I don't remember giving him my number. "Oh it was me" Chris confessed. Ace was giving him the death stare and if looks could kill, Chris would be dead by now.

Chris must have noticed the glare Ace was giving him because he mumbled "I'm sorry Ash". "It's okay Chris but next time any of you want to give me number to someone come to me and ask first" I assure him and my phone starts to ring again.

"Pick it up Ash" Lucy said

"Oh and put it on speaker" Emma adds in.

I looked over Ace who was already glaring at me and giving me this look saying, you better put it on speaker before I murder him. So I decided not to argue on this one and I picked up the call and put it on speaker. The environment in the living room was so tensed, maybe because of the way Ace was looking at me or the way everyone was quiet. On the other hand Emma and Lucy were so excited to hear what Matt had to say. Only if they knew what happened earlier today, they would be scared too.

I put the call on speaker and said "Hey Matt, How are you?"

"Hey Ash, I am good. You?" He responded.

"Yeah I am good" I replied.

"So um, Ash are you going on that camping trip?" He asks.

"Yeah I am, why ?" I ask being curious of what he has to say.

"Um is it okay if we go together and hang out, I can pick you up" He explains.

I look over to Ace whose knuckles are already white. Emma and Lucy were mouthing yes. I thought for a second and it didn't seem like a bad idea to me since having more friends doesn't hurt plus I can divert my mind away from Ace.

"Yeah, sure" I agreed.

"Great I'll pick you up at 3" He informed and cut the call. Suddenly out of the blue Ace spoke up

"I am going too now" 

"Woah dude, is everything alright" Scott says.

"Yeah man you have never in your life have come to trips like these" Chris mentions.

"Yeah I don't because they are shitty" Ace rolls his eyes.

"Yeah so why are you deciding to go now" Scott questions.

Man Scott really has a death wish. He is pushing Ace to his last boundaries.

"Well because I want to go" Ace snaps back.

"Omg, Matt likes you" Emma says.

"No Emma, we are going as friends" I explained.

Ace was already very pissed off. He got up and said " I am going to bed". No one said anything and we all continued talking and went to bed later. I was wide awake,  I couldn't sleep. I haven't slept properly for the past 2 years. I get nightmares. Suddenly I heard a crash and it came from Ace's room. I ran inside to see the glass from the nightstand on the floor but Ace was sleeping."No" he screams. "Ashley please don't leave me. I swear I didn't do anything wrong. It wasn't me" he sobs. I went closer and it seemed like he was having a nightmare. He was sweating and crying in his sleep. 

Tears started to rolling down my face, I hate to seem him like that. It hurts me to see him in pain. Ashley please don't leave me. Those words hit my heart hard. "Ace wake up" I started to sob. "Ace it's just a nightmare" I said shaking him.

He jolted and woke up, he was out of breath. I sat at his bedside, after his breathing went back to normal. "Wanna talk about it ?" I asked. "No" he said. "Okay" and with that I got up to leave but  but he pulled me by my wrist."Stay please" he insisted. There was fear clearly visible in his eyes and I couldn't leave him in a state like this. "Okay" I agreed. I laid down beside him and he pulled me by my waist closer to him. Soon I drifted off to sleep.

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