Chapter 17

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I woke up this morning with Ace next to me. I smile at last night's memory, I really did push Ace over the edge and then we did it. 

I just look at this human right next to me, how did I get so lucky I ask myself.

"Someone is staring" Ace looks at me smiling. Man that smile is to die for.

"No I am not" I say smiling and messing his hair.

Ace pulls me closer by my waist and nuzzles in the crook over my neck.

"I love you Ashley" Ace say.

"I love you Ace" I reply back, Ace gives me a quick kiss on my forehead.

"So we go back today?" I say. I really didn't want to go. I was so happy with just the two of us that I didn't even realise we had to go back.

"Yeah, sadly we do" Ace replies. "why enjoying just the two of us?"

"Yeah actually I am" I say smiling back. "Now let me get up and pack away things." I say getting up from my bed.

"Hey, listen" Ace says and I turn around. 

"Hmm" I say in response.

"I love you Ash" He smiles.

"I love you Acey" I smirk back at the nickname.

"Wha- Acey!?" Ace yells. "Come one Ash"

I laugh and start to pack away all my things. We leave the hotel and pick a cab to drive us to the airport. I look at the view outside the small car window. I took in everything about that city I can. I don't know why but I look back at everything. Every single thing. I don't know how did I even come this far.

I left everything and I found Ace. I did turn out to be lucky this once, I think about the text message that was sent to me earlier when we were at Bora Bora. I swear if I ever find the person who sent it and did all what he claims to do I will kill him myself.

I am all alone because of that person, I wish my parents would be here to see everything. They would be really happy to see Ace. I am really happy though, three more semesters and then I graduate, I wish my parents would be there to see me graduate. They would be really proud of me.

"Ash, are you okay" Ace shakes me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah why?" I ask looking at him as if he is crazy.

"Because I have been calling you for a while but you weren't responding" He explains. 

"Oh" I reply realising I was so caught up in my thoughts I look like the crazy person now.

"We are here" He says.

"Already?" I sigh.

"looks like someone doesn't want to leave" Ace chuckles.

We go through the standard airport security and up on the plane. Paris looks beautiful from up here. I was so tired I ended sleeping up on Ace's shoulder. Poor Ace.

"princesses wake up were here" Ace wakes me up.

"Princesses" I raise my eyebrow at him. Instead of answering he kisses me, and smiles.

I was quite excited to go back to everyone. We reach home and the first thing when we open the door Lucy and Emma jump up on me.

"Ash we missed you" They both yell.

"I missed you guys too" I chuckle.

The guys we just standing there looking wide eyed at us. I go and put everything up and unpack while Lucy and Emma get dinner ready. I asked to help but they insisted to do it.

Dinner at home was great after a long while. It was soon bedtime and I changed into Ace's shirt that I by mistake packed with me or maybe I put it there, and wore sleeping shorts. I laid into my bed and it felt empty. It was empty without Ace and I couldn't sleep without him. So I decided to go to his room if he is still awake. 

I go inside the room Ace was shirtless which still gets me everytime. He was staring at the ceiling. 

"Can I sleep here if you don't mind" I ask him getting his attention. Ace looks at me up and down and smirks realising I wore his shirt.

"Can't sleep without me" he asks sitting up.

"Nope" I say.

"Me neither, I was coming over to ask you if I can sleep with you" He chuckles.

"You look beautiful with my shirt on" Ace smirks.

I walk over Ace and basically straddle him. he was taken back by the sudden action but he held me by my waist and kissed me. It wasn't like any kiss, it was full of meaning. Saying I need you. 

We lay by each other and Ace pulls me closer and I could hear his heartbeat. 

"I feel safe with you" I whisper hoping he won't hear.

"I will always be with you, keeping you safe my love" he replies and kisses my forehead.

I see my future in his eyes. In this moment I knew. I knew he was everything for me and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him but the thing is I don't know if he wants a future with me.

I decide not to think too much about it but I know he is all I want. I look over Ace and he is sleeping peacefully still holding on me tight. I kiss him and murmur I love you against his lips. I am not sure if he heard me because he smiled.

Authors note:

I hope you liked this chapter. Follow and vote  and now my story is also on anystories. Go check it out there too. 

peace out xo

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