Chapter 15

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It seems like the text message had gotten into Ace's head pretty bad. He won't let me out of his sight for a single moment. Ace kept glancing at my phone then at his phone just to make sure that I haven't received anything else.

Ace was doing something on his computer and frowning at it and then he starts to type again. I feel bad for him because he seems pretty disturbed with everything that had happened, I mean I was pretty frightened too and I don't want Ace to worry about my problems. 

Ace must have gotten any sleep last night because as soon as I look up from my phone he was asleep with the computer on his lap. I stand up from the couch and walk towards him. I get all the things off of Ace's leg and put a blanket on him. I just sit beside him and and run my fingers through his soft curls and sigh.

A while past by and I got up to go to the bathroom suddenly I could hear Ace yelling.

"Ashley! Ashley"

"They took you didn't they" Ace sobs. I quickly rush out of the bathroom and my heart clenches at the sight of Ace sitting on the floor and sobbing.

"Ace I'm here" I say my eyes threatening me to spill out the tears.

"Ash where were you?" Ace asks me.

"Hey it's alright I was in the bathroom" I saying and he pulls me towards his chest. 

"Please don't scare me like that" Ace says and kisses me. He pulls me in closer to him and holds me tightly.

"Babe please don't get yourself so worked up on that text" I say as I wipe his tears from his checks.

"Yeah I- yeah" Ace says. 

We sat there for a very long time, just in complete silence. I don't know but there is something about that text Ace knows and I don't. I mean why else is he so worked up on it.

It was the next day and we all were supposed to catch a flight back home. 

"Ace you sure you have everything?" I double check before leaving our room.

I take one last glance at the breath taking view and take in a deep breath. All of us check out and head towards the bus that will be taking us to the airport.

"This was the best vacation ever"Emma says.

"You bet it it was" Chris replies.

We all reach the airport and Ace checked in for us. 

"Our gate is 24" Scott says.

"Let's go then, even though I don't want to leave this paradise" Lucy sighs.

We all start walking but Ace hold me wrist preventing me from moving any further.

"What wrong?" I ask Ace and everyone stops and turns around.

"Is everything alright bro?" Scott asks Ace.

"Oh no don't tell me you forgot something" Lucy rolls her eyes being dramatic.

"Guys chill, Ashley and I are boarding another flight to somewhere else" Ace begins to explain.

"What?!" We all say in unison including me.

"Babe what is happening" I whisper to him so that no one hears us.

"Nothing it's just that I want to take you to another place, and it's not like we have classes tomorrow we still have time" Ace explains.

"I-uh okay but why didn't you tell me?" I ask doubting that something is wrong.

"I wanted to surprise you" Ace Shrugs his shoulders.

"Okay" I say narrowing my eyes at him.

"Looks like we're going somewhere else" I turn around to face Lucy, Emma, Scott and Chris.

"Oki dokey" Scott says.

"Have fun guys" Lucy says giving me a hug.

"Yeah bye" I wave at them.

I walk with Ace to the gate we are supposed to be at.

"Ace is there something you want to tell me?" I ask him.

He hesitates for a moment and then says "yeah that we're going to Paris"

My jaw drops open. 

"Really?" I say sounding very exited.

"Yeah" he chuckles.

"But really tho why all of the sudden?" I ask again.

"Eh just cause I didn't feel like going back and that I thought you'd like another place that is not an island" he explains and I laugh.

I decided to go with it, since I really wanted to go to Paris but for some reason I felt like all of this had to do something with the text I got.

"Ace" I say


"Do you have any idea who could have sent me that text?" I ask him and he immediately tenses up.

"Did you get another one?" Ace asks me in a deadly tone.

"Uh no but I was wondering" I reply and he relaxes.

"No I don't know" Ace replies. 

Before I got a chance to ask him anything else the announcement came up on the speakers. We were ready to board our plane.

"Ready love?" Ace asks me.

"Yeah" I smile at him and he hold my hand and we enter the plane. 

Soon we were up above the ground and of course I had to had the window seat. Everything looked so beautiful from up above, and once again I forgot all my worries, being with Ace was and is everything.

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