Chapter 20

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Jack rushed me into the the car and he literally drove like he was in a F1 formula race. I was scared to death, I had no idea what was going on. One second we were chill and relaxing and then the next we were running. 

He halted the car in front of a huge beautiful house. His house house. Jackson gets out and opens the door for me. "Get out quick" Jackson says. I didn't ask anything and did as he said. I got of and he held my hand and he quickly opened the door and shut the door abruptly. 

"what was that for, is everything okay?" I ask him being scared, worry and mad. 

"I-i am sorry, but we had to get out of there" Jack replies trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah but why didn't you drop me off at my house?" I ask.

"I couldn't, please stay tonight" he pleads.

"Jack why would I-" I begin to protest but then I got interrupted by him.

"Please remember when I told you that there is something you don't know this is part of that something I can not tell you. I will always keep you safe, I promise" Jack says.

He seemed pretty convincing and he promised me that he will keep me safe so I decided to stay. He leads me up the long stairs and into his room. "You can sleep on the bed, and I'll sleep on the couch or I can go to the guest room if you want" Jack tells me. "No you can stay here I mean I am in your house I can go to the guest room" I say smiling at him.

"Its fine Ash, you don't need to go anywhere I can sleep on the couch"

"Okay thank you" I reply back. Then I realize that I don't have clothes to wear since we came in such a hurry.

"Uh Jackson" I say. "Yeah?" 

"I don't have anything to wear" I say whispering.

"It's fine you can have one of my shirts" He says and hands me one of his shirts. He leaves the room and left me to change. When he came back he was shirtless, and he was just staring at me.

"What" I asked.

"Nothing, I like it better on you" He simply says. Our eyes lock for a moment and then he walks over the couch.

For the first time I noticed the blue in his eyes, and his perfect body. He had a few tattoos too. My phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Ace. Oh crap I forgot to tell him.

"Hey" I picked up the phone and said.

"Ash where are you?! I am so worried are you okay?" he asks anger visible in his voice.

" Ace listen to me. I am at Jacksons house and I will stay the night there" I explain.

"I- You what?!" he yelled.

"Listen Ace, it's not what you think. Someone was chasing us and Jack saved me and that's why I am here" I explain.

"W-what are you okay?" Ace asks with fear visible this time in his tone.

"Yeah yeah I am okay I will come home in the morning" I explain.

"I love you" Ace says. "I love you" I reply back.

"Can you give the phone to Jack, please" he asked.

"uh yeah sure" I hesitated for a minute considering how much they both hated each other.

"Jack, here Ace wants to talk to you" I say and hand the phone over to Jack, he gave me a suspicious look but still took the phone.

I couldn't make out all the words that Ace was saying but I caught a few of them. It seemed like he was screaming or he was really mad or something. 'what if she got hurt'. 'No did you tell her anything', 'please don't I beg you it wasn't my fault', 'She could have found out', 'take care of her and keep your hands to yourself'.

I chuckled at the last part, but what was I not supposed to find out. Ace is involved in this, he said it's not his fault. I want to know what is happening. I was already tired and I slept for the night. 

In the morning, I woke up because of the sunlight shining in my eyes. Jack wasn't there so I changed and fixed myself and headed downstairs. "Morning" Jack says. "Morning" I reply back.

Jack made me pancakes and honestly I was impressed. I didn't know that he could even cook and this well. After breakfast he drove me home and I knocked on the door.

Ace opened it and hugged me so tight.

"Ace I might need to breathe" I say but my voice comes out muffled.

"Oh sorry" he laughs. "I couldn't sleep without you" 

"Aww my love I am sorry, but do you happen to know anything about last night and what happened" I ask. Ace's face lost all it's colour and he struggled to find words.

" I-I no I don't" He finally says. 

I then got a brilliant idea and I decided to track the location of the number that sent me the message in Bora Bora. I knew Scott knew how to track things like this so I changed and  I went over to him. Ace followed as usual.

"Where are you going" He asks.

"To Scott, I need him to do me a favour" I reply back.

I enter Scott's room. "Hey Ash what brings you here?"

"I need you to do a favour for me" I reply back. "Sure what is it?"

"I want you to track an unknown number for me" I say.

"What?!" Ace practically yells.

I look at him give ha look, and say" What's wrong?"

"N-nothing why will you do that?" he asks.

"Because I want to find out" I simply reply.

"What is the number?" Scott asks and I give him the number.

He starts to run all sort of systems on his computer and we waited.

"Are you sure about this Ash?" Ace asks me once again.

"Yeah I am" I say. I don't know why he is being like this, since the text message bothered him more than me so he in fact should be more eager to find out.

"Its done, so the location moved from when whoever texted you. I can't get the exact place at the moment but I got the state" Scott explains.

"Tell me" I say.

"Okay the location came from Seattle when that person first texted you and now that person is here in New Castle". Scott explain.

I freeze at my place. Jackson was all that came to my mind, Ace looked at me like he had seen a ghost. 

"Why did you ask tho?" Scott asks.

I was so numb I couldn't answer him and then everything blacked out.

A few hours later, I came back to consciousness and Ace was there beside me with a worried look on his face. I got up and burst into tears. "Shh" He comforted me. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you earlier" I sniffled.  "Its alright , it's okay" He says. I decided to skip the day today partially because I was scared of Jake and partially because I had too much on my mind.

I sat in my room with the door shut all day. I had so many questions, last night Jake tells me that he will always protect me and now what was this. Ace was also hiding something and I am sure he would've have known about Jake before me. It can not be Jake and even if he is, there is more to the story. More which included Ace.

The next day I went to college and the first person I was greeted by was Jake.

"Hey Ash, how are you feeling. You were in yesterday?" Jake says.

"Move out of my way" I say sternly.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked with a confused look.

"I said move out of my way and I do not like to repeat myself" I say more harshly this time and I just took a moment to glance over him and there was sadness in his eyes?

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