Chapter 7

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Ace was death glaring Matt and I, he started walking towards us and the rest of the group came too. I have a feeling something stupid will happen soon

"Ashhh, how was your trip?" Emma asks.

"It was really good, we had a lot of fun" I replied honestly.

"Oh is that it, you guys had fun" Ace said with a serious tone narrowing his eyes towards Matt.

"Yeah we did " Matt says. I am mentally smacking my head.

"Fun's over" Ace says while grabbing my things from his hand.

"But Ash is going to hang out with me" Matt says.

"well change of plans" Ace says.

At this point I got really mad, Ace shouldn't have a say in who I hang out with.

"No I am hanging out with Matt" I say sternly.

"Fine then I am taking your things with me" Ace says in hope I'll come behind him.

"Fine Ace be my guest" I yell.

"Lets go Matt" I say.

I leave feeling bad for doing this to Ace but what's done is done. It's fine nothing is ruined yet, I can still enjoy my camping trip I say to myself.

"Do you want to take a walk?" Matt questions.

"My pleasure" I smile at him.

We walk along the road in between the woods.

"So how do you know Ace?" Matt questions

"I met him a few years back, he actually helped me with my parents. The thing is they got in a car crash and died, I was at a party but when I was informed I went straight to the hospital and met Ace there. He brought my parents to the hospital and right now he is my room mate" I explain.

"I am so sorry about your parents" Matt says frowning a little.

" It's fine " I assure him.

"Ash" Matt says

"Yeah" I say looking up to Matt.

"I - nothing" He says.

"Um okay" I respond. Actually it really annoys me when someone says something but doesn't complete it but I let it slip.

We walked in silence next to each to other and I found my mind drifting away back to Ace. I wonder what is he doing at the moment. I feel complete when I am with Ace, and I don't like avoiding him at all. It hurts me to do but again I know he will leave, all the people I have ever loved my whole life has always left me and non of them ever stayed.

"Right Ash" Matt says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Uh yeah" I reply not having a clue of what he was talking about. Probably an old story...hopefully.

We return back to the camp site after a long and relaxing walk. It was very peaceful being there, the bonfire was lighted up and all of us sat around. I started to walk in the direction the group was in but Matt pulled me by my arm and picked a place somewhere else. Everyone was busy and started to talk about whatever they needed to suddenly Matt said " I'll be back Ash". "Mhm" I replied. While I was waiting I found myself staring at Ace, watching every single thing he did, the way he talked, his dimples when he smiled or laughs. How he gets all tensed up if he doesn't like something.

I went and changed my outfit because I dropped water on mine. When I came back I couldn't find Matt so I went to my group.

"Omg Ash, you look so pretty" Emma says.

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