Chapter 9

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It was a nice sunny warm morning. Our finals were finally over and we could finally go to our holiday, I was very excited to go. I walked outside the building and met my group in the front garden even the grass was luscious green today. 

"How was your last exam" I asked Lucy as I sat down next to Ace. His eyes slightly widened but he quickly recovered.

"It was great, what about your?" Lucy asked.

"Mine was great too, all the hard work had finally paid of" I say.

"who is ready to go on vacations?" Scott asks.

"Us" we all said in unison.

After going home I had a relaxing hot shower and made myself a few snacks, I packed all my college stuff to one side and cleaned up my bedroom. I needed to go shopping for our trip so I decide to ask Emma and Lucy to come along if they wanted.

"Emma, Lucy do you guys want to go shopping ?" I ask walking towards where they were sitting.

"yeah I was just thinking the same" Emma tells me.

"I am going too" Lucy yells.

"you boys can stay at home" I say turning to the guys sitting on the sofa.

"But I- " Ace begins to say but I interrupt him " No you guys stay" I smile and I walk toward Ace to give him a quick kiss on his cheek. Ace looks at me with wide eyes and then takes a few seconds to processes it. I giggle at his reaction and he smiles saying " Goodbye love". Butterflies came to life in my stomach but I choose to ignore that.

We called an uber and decided to go to the big mall 30 minutes away. I informed Ace that we were going 30 mins away and he told me to call him if I needed anything. The mall was huge and lucky for us there were sales everywhere.

We all decided that one night from our vacation we will go to a formal restaurant. So I bought a long floral dress with spaghetti straps, a denim jacket, nude heels  and some accessories to go with it. I bought some more outfits and a new sturdy suitcase since I desperately needed one. I also ended up buying some shoes. I probably shopped at every store along with lucy and Emma and all our hands were full not even leaving space for one more bag.

"Hey Lucy, Ash lets just go to that one last makeup store. We didn't buy makeup yet." Emma says giggling and pointing to the store.

"I am so tired" Lucy groaned facing me and hoping I'll say something.

"Lucy come one one last store" I said with my pleading eyes looking at Lucy.

"Ugh fine" Lucy said rolling her eyes.

We went to inside the makeup store and I am pretty sure we bought half of the makeup in that store. The store lady was extremely annoyed by us. We laughed so much and had so much fun I don't remember the last time I enjoyed myself this much. It was nice to finally breathe a little bit.

We called an uber to pick us up and this time we couldn't call the regular one because the amount of bags we all had combined were uncountable. We were so tired by the time we reached home. I was smart enough to order pizza before we got home so we didn't have to wait much.

"Hey girls did you have fu- WHAT THE HECK?!" Chris yelled when he saw the amount of bags we were holding.

"Did you guys rob the entire mall?" Scott asked us. Lucy, Emma and I couldn't control our laughters, the look on their faces were priceless. 

"Ash do you want me to help you with those bags upstairs" Ace asks me. I know I couldn't carry all those things upstairs so I agreed.

"yeah sure" I say.

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