chapter ninteen

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We got to the part, the priest announced that anyone who was against the marriage should stand up or forever hold their peace.
Christian held my hand, he thought it was speaking with Anna when he hoped I wouldn't try anything stupid.

And he was right, I wouldn't have allowed my sister to get married to him, who was never worthy of her minus the fact he was wealthy.

There was no response, so the priest preceded further with the ceremony by pronouncing us, husband and wife.

I figured it was the moment everyone was waiting for.
I needed to reveal myself to them.

I pulled off the veil, and everyone became stunned.

Christain stood there speechless.

My parents rushed to the alter.  I tried explaining to them but before I could alter a word, dad slapped me.

The guests at the church all left one after another, after witnessing the showdown, whereas the media, all came with their cameras aring all that transpired.

I felt ashamed of myself, but it was the only way to save my sister and the dignity of my parents, if by chance Anna and I decided to run away it would taint her badly.

Anna rushed inside the church,  she noticed the commotion going on, she felt bad seeing how much I was being criticized and wanted to tell the truth.

I jerked my head and asked her not to.

Christain went dumb for some seconds, right after coming back to his senses.

He held my neck and tried to strangle me, I did nothing to retaliate back because I was overwhelmed with the situation on the ground.

His best men dragged him off, he pushed them and stormed out of the church.

"How could you do this to your sister," mom said
I turned to her, without saying a word, of cause, I did this for her but seeing how she has tagged me to be the villain, I didn't speak.

Dad takes her by her hand and they both left me paralyzed.

Did I do the wrong thing?

I dropped down to my knees and cried painfully. I won't lie I regretted doing this but there was no need to have a second thought.

Anna came back to the church,  she saw me lying helplessly on the ground.

"Im sorry sister"
She placed her hand on my shoulders.

"There's no need to be sorry" I replied, taking her hand away.

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