chapter thirty three

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Christain looked paranoid back home.
I wondered what the problem might be, maybe his godfather has a seizure?.
We both ran into the mansion together and right there the entire Hernandez family was tied up to a chair.
Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez.
Diana walks out and meets us there.
Christain got so angered and demanded an explanation.
"What's the hell is this ?".- he said.

At the same time. Felix walks down the stairs. You can say I'm a little disappointed he wasn't on the way to the hospital, however, what the hell is happening?.

Christian went to him.
"What is going on here godfather?"
He looks at his parents.

"What does it look like?"
Felix's response to Christain was so cold, that I felt something strange.

"I don't understand?" Christian says to his godfather again.

"I'll tell you or better still Diana should tell you".
Felix said as we turned to her.
Right there, Diana told everything.
How much she had pretended to love Christain only to get his signature on the Hernandez family empire.

Christain wasn't willing to accept the truth, he turns to his godfather to confirmed.

Diana might be such a bitch, I am sure that whatever happening, isn't a lie.

Felix confirmed everything Diana said.
From the bankruptcy the help he rendered.
We all listened startled by his desire for revenge.
How could he?.

Felix said.
"I wanted your father to sell his business to me, but instead when you came over to meet me, I never wanted to lend you that amount of money but I figured it was that medium to finally get what I want when you eventually fail in reviving your father's business, but I was wrong, glimpsing in a year, your father's business was back to this standard, so I needed another strategy".

Christain exclaimed.

"Yes, I turned you into a monster, I used your hot-headedness to my advantage,  I wanted you to get married to Diana, but when I glimpse at Anna and how quiet she was, it was more perfect "

"Someone ask me why I wanted Anna to get married to Christain".
He points at me.

"Why?" I asked back.

"Because I wanted to instigate my lovely godson against her, so In a fit of rage, he  accidentally kills your sister, but no, the meddling elder sister, swoops in to save her by getting married to him,  nothing as been spoilt yet, I can still kill you and pin the blame on Christian, Send him to a long time in jail and gradually torture his family, isn't that a wonderful plan?" Felix asserted to Christain who sat there stunned.

Christian couldn't say anything. He must be startled by the truth.
I should've suspected him the minute he wanted to buy me off.

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