chapter thirty six

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Anna spoke with so much pain. Mom stood there and listen, Christain also helped by admitting to everything that he had.
Mom couldn't believe her eyes, she almost fell unconscious.
I came to help her. "Mom are you okay?".
For the first time, mom looked right back at me with emotion in her eyes, maybe we call it love.
"Is everything Anna said true?".
She asked again.
I looked at my sister, I didn't want everything to be like this, however, there was no chance to keep hiding the truth.
"Yes mom, everything is true"
I replied.

Christain apologized to my parents, mom didn't say anything since her mind was conflicted between hearing me out and knowing the truth.
Dad, however, pushed him over to my sister. He says Anna, should be the one he needs to apologize to.
Christain looks at his knees.
Anna left there and he rushed after me.
They got to the kitchen to talk.
"Anna, I know you want to kill me,".
Christain takes out a seat facing her.

"You have no idea, how pleasing that thought is" Anna responded. There was a knife next to her and she grabbed onto it.

"Whoa, hold on a minute please"  Christain pulled his chair backward.
He begged Anna for forgiveness, of cause admitted to the fact that he didn't get married to her, because right now, he should be in jail.
Anna listened to everything he had to say, including the drama a few hours ago.

"Im sorry Anna for everything, please forgive me, and from now on, I'll work on myself"  he folds his hands together.

"It's okay, glimpsing how everything worked out, I am  grateful I didn't get married to you also"
Anna grinned.

"Yes, it would have been a big mess and your sister would have found a way to kill me"  those words made Anna chuckle.
They came back together, I saw them laughing, which made me notice that everything was settled
I picked up back to leave when Anna implored Christain to let me stay back for a day.
I faced him. Christain looks at our faces and accepted to send the driver tomorrow morning to pick me up
I walked him to the car, and he gets in and waved to me as the car drives away.

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