chapter twenty five

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The next day, I woke up with my hands on Christian's face, I didn't know how it got there but I quickly withdrew my hands before he woke up.

I rushed downstairs and breakfast was also prepared.
I thought about sitting down to eat, and Mrs. Hernandez walks in. She greets with a smile on her face and eyes staring across the table.
I thought maybe she would be hungry.
I pulled out a plate from tht table and served her a plate full of food.
Unfortunately, Felix walks in and stopped her from taking the plates away.
According to him. He said. No one eats without the permission of their husbands.
Like what the hell. This isn't an Indian movie right if I want to eat do I tell arrogant Christain.
Mrs. Hernandez apologized. Felix looks at me. I think he wants me to also apologize?. Why should I?.
I picked the plate up from the table again and left.

Christain was informed. He came out of his study room to vent, however, I had already left to my bedroom.

I see how humble Christain is when it comes to his godfather, and how rude, he becomes when it comes to his own family, all this doesn't make any sense.

That didn't end there. Christian came into the room, he saw me getting ready for bed and right there chose to remind me of what happened downstairs.
Unfortunately, we didn't get into an argument because his mom interrupted us, she informed Felix wanted me downstairs in the study room.
I went there to meet him.
Felix asked me to come inside.

"You sent for me"
I walked close.

"Take a seat," he said.

"What's going on" I raised a question.
Felix looks at the door across the room. Before telling me why he called me in.
Who would have guests? He would ask me to divorce his godson.

Although I do understand what he meant. I still chose to ask for more explanation. Why should I just divorce Christian without getting what I want?
I will never and won't ever do that.

Felix saw my stubbornness. That resulted in him bringing out a blank cheque.
"Fill it and leave?" He said.
I laughed. It is a way of making easy money. However, I ain't someone who gets carried away by that.
I took the cheque away from his hand and tore it in his presence.
He stared stunned at the scene.
"Your quite the stubborn one" he muttered behind.
I left right away without a wild.

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