chapter thirty four

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We all saw Christain cry for the first time. I think he is hurt, who wouldn't be, after all, Felix was more than a godfather to him.

Felix however used that as leverage and he points a gun at me.
Christain lifts his head, he sees that and said.
"You wouldn't dare".
Felix laughed. He takes his hand a little to the side and right there, shot a worker at the mansion.
We stared in shock.
"How do you think, I'm joking,".
He turns the gun back to me.
"How about we kill the meddling sister, what do you say godson?".
He added.

Christain looks at me and I looked right back, deep down I was hoping he wouldn't let his godfather act on his word, however, Christain chose to do the opposite of what I'd imagine.
He gave his godfather the go-ahead.

My eyes opened up in shock. Felix loads the gun, I couldn't move, all I thought of was, how Christain would let his godfather kill me without even a blink.
Oblivious. Christain picks up a bottle and on time, hit his godfather's head.
Felix falls unconscious. Diana saw what happened and thought of running away.
Fuck. Not so fast.
I ran after her leaving Christain behind with his family.

We got outside, she was almost heading to the front gate, when I automatically had the gate closed with a click of a button.
I picked the automatic removed while trying to catch her.

"Urgh, don't you get tired of meddling in other people's business,".
Diana confronts me.

"To tell you the truth, I have tried but I just can't do it" I winked as we both attacked each other.

Surprise she was good at karate but I was much better, I mean a lot better than her.

Diana Jabbed me, as I coughed out blood from my mouth, fixing an angry face at her.

"Aww, did that hurt " she made a travesty of me and I hate being taunted.

"You have no idea who you messing with" I got up pulling my hair from behind, as she lungs in for another, but I dashed behind her.

"Stop running sweetheart" she asserted to me, thus I peeked for a way to attack.

"I'm just getting warmed up" I asserted back dodging another blow of hers, and  Jabbed her on her ribs before she could counter-attack.
Diana got weak and  I Jabbed her another one, as she drops to the ground unconscious.

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