*chapter 6*

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The crown was ready to be settled on prince head till he reached down in royal court. The aura changed with every stepped he took towards the throne where the king was standing. The Prince smiled at all the great gentleman and high valued person standing there. The king gave a proud smile to his prince and then looked at Vishar, who was stealing his eyes. But now king has to do what he has decided.

The Prince reached the throne and king offer him a proud hug with a pat on back.

"You are my pride. Always remember that. " the king murmured in his son ear and his son hummed in response.

His eyes sparked when his eyes fall over the crown settled beside the throne.

Deep in his heart he was overwhelmed by the sight of crown and responsibilities. But he know he can do it. He had always wanted to do it.

"Are you ready sir?" Asked Vishar nodding toward the crown.

The king nodded and move a little ahead toward the crowd.

"I am very happy to see all my Kingdom here at one place on this beautiful occasion of the coronation of their new King.  I know you all have very high hopes from him and surely some would be doubting his abilities for now. Many would be saying that he is going to be a king just because he is born in king family but not because of his worth. I know about this because I have been a prince before I become a king here and I knew what people really think during coronation. Many would be having doubts about my son's worth as they doubted mine."

The king looked back at his son and he just hope that his son, the prince,  would understand his decision.

"So I invite you all to this same place at same time after one month. " added the king.

The people looked at each other at the marred thought of their king.

"Until you all are sure if the Prince is worthy of being your king or not." Ended the king.

There were gasp in the crowd but the king only cared about the reaction of his son. He have expected him to stormed out of the royal court or rebell.

But after few minutes chatter among the crowd they went silent as the Prince stepped ahead at same level as the king.

The Prince smiled at the king and then said to the crowd.  "This is your Kingdom,  I'm going to be your king, I'm going to work for you. What's my father suggested was the one of the fairest decision ever taken. I never wanted to be a king because of being born in king family, I wanted to be a king who work for his kingdom just like my father. And I won't lie but I want to be better than my father was." He  laughed to clear the environment and his laugh was so contagious that the crowd went in awe.

"So I, your prince, want you all to give me a chance to show you that I'm worthy of being your king. I want you to give me a chance to be a better king than my father." Said the Prince.

"You are already better than Me Randhir. You proved that just now" The king hugged him and the crowd roared with happiness.

The crowd was told to be back here after one month and now it was time to find a right companion to guide the Prince and introduce him to all the tips and tricks to handle a kingdom. The king knew that nobody can be a better companion than his favourite minister.

"Where is Shabir? I haven't seen him in the royal court too." he asked Vishar.

"Maybe he thought this occasion wasn't too important for him. You can tell me what you want I can help. ...." Vishar was cut off by.

"Your highness. " a young man whom nobody have ever seen ever before, appeared. The Prince recognised the little man dressed in big clothes with a turban and a way big moustache on his face. The Prince smirked when his eyes connect with him.

"I'm Shabir's son. Yukt. I was here to tell you about his condition but I apologise I couldn't bring it earlier to your attention. " yukt said bowing his head.

"No its okay. I have been busy from the morning..but what happened to Shabir. " asked the king.

"He fell during horse riding and broke his back. He has to take rest for one month. " said yukt "and he had asked for your apology from his heart. "

"Oh dear. May he get well soon. But why would he never mentioned his son ever before.......?."

Yukt gulps.

Thank you so much

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