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she didn't answer just kept quite and followed.

but not for long.

"you know what? " she stop and try to snatch her hand away from my grip.

I sigh and turn around. she never fails to amuse me and I'm still amused how she is trying to get free from my grip even when she knew herself how weak she is right now. I could just continue waking and bring her dragging with me to my palace.

"I think we should part our ways now. you how your way, to your palace, back to where people are ready to kill for you. while I go to find someone who can die for me." I snatched her hand back to me and it made her collide to my chest.

"maybe I can..." I stop myself "help you find that someone. " I added.

what I was going to say?  can I really die for her? I can, can't I? but why would I? session is just a normal girl I have met a few days ago. I have got a kingdom to rule and here I'm willing to die for a girl? what's wrong with me. what I'm even flung here at the first place.

"stop messing with my head. I need to get you out of here, from my Kingdom,  from my life. so you would stop bothering me again and again. seriously my life has been a drama from the moment you have entered in it. it's been a mess. a mess at a very crucial time of my life when I should focus more on being a better king,  I'm here saving a little girl and keeping her out of problems." I almost shouted at the end. I'm frustrated by my own thoughts. I used to be so sorted. what had she done to me?

it took me a moment to realise that I had ruined the moment. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. when I open my eyes again I observe her face keenly. God she looks angry.

"little girl?" she murmured.

"a little girl? seriously? " this time she snatched her hand away harshly and I left her hand.

"good bye and hope to never see you ever again." she shouted and stomp her foot weakly while she side passed me and went away from me.

it always angered me when she defy me but  only God know that it turns me on.

I looked down the way she left. it was darkness all around. things are only visible when the lightening strikes. when I lightening strike I didn't saw any glimpse of her.

God.  she is trouble.

suddenly I could feel small drops of rain falling down on me. no way! no way!

I had to find her.

I went to where I saw her going and walk fast. the rain made it hard to figure out the way. the winds made it difficult to walk steadily.

where the hell she is?

"sanyukta! " I called out.

"go away". came a shout.

I smiled unconsciously and followed the voice.  she heard me coming and turn to me.

"don't to dare to touch me, or even come close to me, or even talk to me.  in fact don't even look at me. I am so done with you. like so done. " she keep blubbering until I make my way to her.

God. a sight to behold.

can I stop myself?  can I?  I don't want to.

I saw as she swipe her hand on her face to remove the hairs. the rain touching every part of her body up to down. her body glistening with water when the sky lightens.

without thinking I made my way to her until she abruptly stop talking. she look stunned when I snake my arm around her waist and pull her close. water drop sliding down her lips to her neck.

suddenly I felt thirsty. very thirsty.

I lift my hand and gently touch her cheek.

God what I'm doing?  and why the hell it feels so Good?

I gently rub her lower lip and her eyelashes fall.

so am I not alone feeling this?

this time when she open her eyes, she was back to her old self.

"let me go." she bring her hands between us. her cold hands landed on my naked torso and it made the flames inside me crackle.

she might not know what she is doing to me with her soft touches.

I bring my face down closer to her face.  lips so close that I could just ...

suddenly she shivered and I broke out of my trance.

I blinked and felt her shivering I'm my arms.

I let out a hmm and said

"next time we are definitely finding a place to stay when we got lost in woods." I told her while she blinked too. I straighten up and loosed my grip bit didn't leave her

"there is never any 'next time ' " she stomps her foot and push me away.

"hell no. I have full faith in your abilities. your ability to ruin my peace. I'm assured you won't let me live peacefully anytime soon." I chuckled while she frowned and roll her eyes.

thank you so much.

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