*chapter 7*

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There was silence for some moment while other took in the appearance of the young intruder. He stand alone in the royal court while the people sitting around began to judge him by his appearance.

"My father wanted me to get well educated but he always felt that getting educated at one place always give you a limited perspective. So he purposely let me to live with my grandparents for sometime in their town and for sometimes he send me to my uncle and aunt house who are councillor in other town. He wanted me to learn new things from different places in different ways. he teach me well himself too. He used to sit with me and tell me all his experiences." Yukt told truthfully.

"Your father is the most generous man ever. " The king smiled.

"I don't know if you know this or not but I just want to tell you that he have always respected you deeply from your heart. He have supported your every decision whether it's right or not. " yukt suddenly got glares from man of the royal court while the king look at him in amusement.

"Wrong decisions? Do you know what are you saying? Our king took wrong decisions?" Vishar get up front his seat but the king silenced him with a hand gestures.

"I apologise my highness but there is a rule in this Kingdom that females are not allowed in royal court. Like Even the Queen, the dear mother of Prince, wasn't allowed  in the coronation of her own son. she deserve to see it. She would have wanted to see it. " yukt said...

At that moment she knew it was her last day on this holy ground. Now she is going to end up in crocodiles bellies.

"Your highness I apologise if I have crossed any line."  Yukt apologise and bowed his head.

"No not at all. In fact you have taught my son his first lesson. " the king moved toward his son.

"No matter what people say. It's you who made the rules and carry on the legacy. That's what I did. I took the rules of my father ahead. Now you do as you prefer." The king said and smiled at his son.

"It was nice that you had courage to speak something like that  in front of the king. Not all people are that courageous to speak against any rule or order. Your father has done a nice work in bringing you up." the king ended making yukt smile widely.

Thinking that everything is done  yukt want to leave.
"Now I will take my leave your highness." Yukt moved and step towards the door.

Yukt was few more step away from his freedom but the God had decided something else.

"Wait." That was king voice. Loud and clear.

When yukt turned he found king standing on his feet and moving towards the Prince.

"Son, meet your companion, my first minister's son, yukt. " said the king and Vishar rebelled.

"I think I'm a lot better than this little young man, your highness. " Vishar said.

"But I have some other work for you Vishar. You and me are going away from this Kingdom to handles some issues. It's better to have my first minister son as new companion than anybody else.  I know shabir must have taught him well." The king said.

The Prince was silent through all the scenario. Not saying a single word. The fact made yukt inside churn and breathe slower.

Their eyes collide and at that time yukt knew that if this ever happen it's going to be deathly forest for her to cross and she knew she won't come out alive.

Suddenly something glint in prince eyes. Amusement. Determination.

"As you say, Father." Prince smiled at his father but when his eyes turn to yukt,  his smile turn to smirk.

She is going to be dead. She knew she is going to be dead.

"You start from tomorrow. You stay here for one month. Accompanying him in everything, handling the documentation and helping him in affairs. That's all will be your duties. I know you won't disappoint me and your father." Said the king and dismiss everyone.

Staying here for one month. In this royal court.. with the Prince.

She already knew she is going to be dead. But now she know that she would be dead and buried too.

Even God can't save her now.

Thank you so much.

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