*chapter 20*

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I was trembling when I jumped into his room through the window.  I will just put this dagger here and I will apologise if I saw him otherwise I would just run away.

I decided to tell everything to my parents. I knew my father would understand. I will do it right after going back if she stay alive.

She looked around the room but he was nowhere in the sight.

So maybe we weren't destined to met again.

With that excuse I jumped outside the window again. I land swiftly in the soft green grasses.  sure I had got a rash on my knees and elbow but saving my life was clearly more important.  The big huge back door was in front of me. They were in my clear sight. I ran and ran. I hold the big door handles in my hands and gave it a hard push. My heartbeat rises when the door didn't opened.

Oh no. Please please please.

"Please save me for the last time. I swear I won't lie anymore in my whole life." I prayed and pushed again.

Suddenly the door opened and I couldn't stop myself from smiling brightly but my smile disappeared when I saw some man coming through the other side of the door. But before I could turn around and ran I was caught by those men. I resisted and snatched away my hands.

"The Prince has called you in the court." The man said when he thought I'm not giving up.

"I don't care. I won't go with you. I won't go anywhere near prince. Let me go, leave me alone. " I snatched away myself from their grip.

"That's prince order and we have to follow.  You too. " the man glares at me.

"But woman are not allowed in the royal court, so you basically will be breaking a royal rule if you took me in royal court."  I tried to convince them. "I will tell them that you bring me here then the king  will punish you too." I added.

"But he called you himself" the man seem to be in my spell now.

"He is the Prince and king would never punish him, only you all. " I tried to convince them again.

"Look come quietly with us or we will have to tell the Prince that you denied." The man warmed me.

"I'm not coming and you can't force me. I'm a woman and I'm not allowed in royal court. If the Prince want to see me he will come here then." I said determined and snatched away my hands.

"We could just take you to the royal court by force. " the man laughed.

"Try me." I challenged when I pull out my dagger and pull it on my own throat.

Killing myself seems lot more easier than being dishonoured in the court. That's what he will do. He will disrespect me and punish me in front of everyone in the royal court to put an example to never betray him ever again.

"You all keep an eye on her. I will tell the Prince what's happening here." The man glared at me again and pushed past me.

What do I do now?

I should have think about it before I decided to lie. I was a stupid, now everybody had to suffer.

The men around me were nervous and fidgety. By now the Prince would have got the message.

Suddenly we see a person coming towards us from the very distance.

My heart stop beating when I realised that it was the Prince.

As he came closer, his man began to disperse and approached him but he showed his hand and tell them to leave.

As he approached me I saw an anger in his eyes. Betrayal and determination also lingered somewhere in his eyes. I was guilty but he must listen to me.

"Look I can explain...." but as soon as I started he snatched away the dagger from my hand and in next moment he began dragging me with him. His grip on my hand was so tight it made me yelp in pain. 

"Please. Let me explain myself. ..." I tried again but he keep dragging me. Pulling me behind him. His red cape flowed behind him with the winds.  I couldn't help but feeling differently about him today.

That's because you are going to die sanyukta.

Yeah probably.

Then I  realise that there is no point in trying to explain him. He won't listen. If he wanted to sort it out with me he would have tell me to explain my lies. But he didn't.  And now I will be dishonoured and killed.

So I gave up protesting and went with him following behind closely.

When we reached the royal court all gaze turned to me. I felt embarrassed.

"Please don't do this." I whispered very slowly so only he could hear it. But he didn't look back at me.  But his grip tightened more and I knew he heard me.

We reached to the throne but he didn't sit down and didn't leave my hand too.

There were murmurs in the royal court and I was ready to hide away. ..

"Today I want to tell everybody a very important thing." The Prince voice came out like a roar and everybody felt silent.

Then he looked toward me with hatred and Betrayal.

"This woman here..." he lift up the hand which was in his hold...

"Please don't do this." I whispered again.. and this time he looked at me, and keep looking for sometime. I search for some mercy in his eyes but his eyes were stone cold.

Then he took a long breath and look forward again. 

"This woman here is my new companion. " the gasp could be heard  all around the court but the loudest was mine.

"And it clear that it break a royal rule of this Kingdom. So as the Prince of the kingdom, I remove the rule from this Kingdom. Woman has every right to be where they wish for." He declared and asked "does anybody have any objections?"

A man with beard came forward to challenge.

"This rule was in our Kingdom from generations and ..."

"I didn't ask what your objections are. I only asked if anybody have any objection. Because if anybody have than they can leave this place and even this Kingdom. "

There were gasps and the beard man left the palace with left out dignity.

"The court is dismissed." Everybody left the court but the Prince didn't move and didn't let go of my hand.

Soon the Court was empty leave both of us.


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