*chapter 14*

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She stepped meekly into her room and make way in front of the mirror. The two sisters quickly followed her to her room. They clearly saw what happened. They feel concerned for her. Initially they were here to console her but then they realise they have to change her bandages too. 

"You should sit down. We need to change your bandages." Those two said together. " And fix your burn."

Sanyukta looked at them and smile sadly.

"Why are you doing so much for me. I'm just a minister's daughter who nobody knows about." She looked back to the mirror.

She admired the dress for a moment but in next second she remember the hurtful things the Queen said. She just wanted to get rid of it. She was done with this. She was done with all of this.

She turn to the sisters and said "can you just bring my clothes please? "


Randhir was furious. He was supposed to be a king. He always dreamed of it. He was made to dream of it. Now when he is taking decisions on his own, so simple naive decision,  his own mother is doubting him.

He is still being treated as a child. Only God knows how much he hates it.

The room was a mess. The curtains were on floor while bedsheets were hanging out of the window. His mother words were swirling in his mind and he couldn't think straight anymore.  But somewhere he has a doubt lingering in a corner of his mind too.

What if he is really wrong? What if he is really bad in decision making?

No way.  He can't doubt himself too. Atleast Not right now. Not at all. He has to believe in himself. 

He was full of rage but he also knew that half of the rage was on how sanyukta was treated today. He had to make it right.


Sanyukta step inside his room and tried not to be shocked by the condition of the room. He was nowhere in the view so she just went inside and put the dress down on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" The dejâ  vú made her smile. But now it's all going to end.

"I was here to return this dress. " sanyukta said meekly.

Randhir was standing few feet behind her. She saw his eyes roam down on her body. She was in Lily's dress, which was a blouse with a long umberella skirt. She has wrapped her duppatta around her head and  shoulder.

The simplicity of this girl standing in front of him create a new feeling in his heart.

Something pure. Clean. New. Refreshing. He felt a pull toward the serenity.

"You are not supposed to return gifts." The Prince said and take a step ahead.

Sanyukta nodded and fix the duppatta on her head. She didn't look up anymore.

He felt an inch when she move her fave away from him. He wanted to hold her chin and make her look at him. He wanted to look into her eyes.

"When you will be back?" The prince took more step ahead assuming she is heading to somewhere.

"Never." Sanyukta replied and finally look into his eyes.

He didn't said anything so she take it as her cue to leave.

She passed him from the side but a light hold on her wrist stop her moving ahead. She didn't look back.

"If you leave this room now, you never be able to come back." He made it sound more like a warning.

He want to see her again. Atleast till he loses his interest.

"I don't want to." She replied sincerely because she knew she has nothing to do here anymore.


they both didn't look at each other just stand there holding hands. Facing away from each other.

"If you leave.. then Yukt would have to leave his job too." Randhir tried black mail.

"He will understand. " Yukt have to be existing to care enough.

Again silence.

"If you leave now, your father lose his job too. " Randhir was bluffing. But whatever makes her stay will do.

This time sanyukta took her time to answer. That was a low blow though.

"We will manage." She finally answers. The Prince was taken aback by her response.

This time randhir took his time to offer an deal to which she couldn't say no.

"If you leave,  your family have to leave our Kingdom too. " the Prince was confident this time.

"We will leave your Kingdom by the morning. " she answered politely.

For the name of god!!!!! He want this woman...

The confidence.

The bravery.

The beauty.

And the way she didn't want to be anywhere near him.

This turn randhir insane.

He turned and gave a hard pull to her wrist. Her small fragile body came flying to his. His strong arms wrapped around her waist and she forgot how to breath. Her heartbeat was fast because it was totally unexpected.

Once second he was ready to throw her out of the kingdom and right now he has her in his arms.

"I dare you to take a single step out of this room." His voice was rough and his breathing was fast.

"There is no point of me being here. Not anymore." Her reply was fast and equally furious.

"If I said you won't leave, so you don't leave." The Prince ordered. Authority reeking from his voice.

Sanyukta didn't know how to respond.

"But I have nothing to do here." That's all  she asked.

Suddenly the atmosphere shifts a little.  His hold loosened a little bit he didn't let go.

"There is a lot we can do here actually." randhir eyes were full of amusement.

She cringed.

"Like making..." he started.

"Stop... Never.  Find somebody else. " she utter and pushed him away.

"I was talking about making decisions for Kingdom. What did you think? Making love ...??" Randhir smirked.

Sanyukta huffed and looked away.

"I will be back soon. Don't leave this room. " He ordered patting her cheek with his thumb lightly.

Suddenly she was free from his grip and saw him leaving the room.

Only God knows what's up in his mind.

Thank you so much.

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