*chapter 10*

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"So you are trying to imply that...a female. .....a delicate and fragile female can even do a race like this. A race Like horse riding. That's a very nice joke. I actually liked it." The Prince sat a little more comfortably in his seat from where he can see the race about to began.

"I said that a female not only can participate in a race like this but also win it. " yukt ended with a pride smile as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Randhir felt silent for a moment as if thinking to believe Yukt or not.

"Okay let's make a deal. If any woman of this Kingdom won this race today. I will apologise for my statement to you. " Randhir said making eye contact with yukt.

"I don't want your apology. If a woman win today I want you to encourage woman participation in sports or activities like these. " determination was clear in yukt eyes.

"But where will you will find that woman." Asked Randhir a little bit amused.

"Keep your eyes at the finishing line she will surely meet you there. After all you are here to give prices to the winner right." Yukt bowed and left.

Randhir made his man do  the announcement that today's race is open to females to join and told them to wait for some more time so women can join.

But they could hardly see any female there.

After a little while. There was a chorus in the crowd. The Prince was busy in carousing but he got distracted by the sudden rush in the crowd. 

He stood up on his feet to find the Amiss entertainer and he smirked when his eyes caught something.

All horses were standing at the starting line, ready for the race. All the riders alert with their big body and riding crops.  But Randhir eyes are stuck at a little body in white overall. Half of her face was covered but he could see the eyes. 

Those eyes.

The feminine curves were the eye candy for all males standing there. Her milky white appearance look small compare to her big dark black horse.

The instructor recoiled and shoot the sign to start the race. And suddenly there was sand everywhere. The opaque scene made randhir curiosity higher than ever. He wanted to see it all. He didn't sit down back in his seat. In fact he folded his hand across his chest and wait for the dust to clear.  Then his eyes wandered around in the crowd around him.

Where is yukt?


"Calm down sanyukta. You have to do this.  You have to do this for all females of the kingdom. Just don't embarrass yourself and all woman. It's a great responsibility.  You can do this. " she was murmuring it to herself with every gentle hit of the riding crop she throw on her horse.

"I won't be able to face him if I lose it. I would never be able to go back. Think about your father reputation. " another gentle hit on horse back to make him run faster.

She trust her father horse. She has been riding it from few years.

One by one she was passing her competitors. She knew the tricks. Her father has definitely did a good job.

"That's sad." She heard a voice.

"A beauty like you shouldn't be riding a horse all alone. Need my help little lady." A man passes beside her on his creamy horse.

"You know what more bad is." She smiles.

"A beauty like her have to give ride to a donkey. " sanyukta nodded toward the mare and went ahead.

She focus hard on her grip.  It hurts. Yeah it does but that's  the real fun. She enjoys it. The rush. The excitement. The adrenaline.

She suddenly got a hit on her knee. She gasped in shock. When she looked beside her she found another man riding past her.

"That should leave a scar. It's enough  to make you remember that woman real place is at home not in between men." He ran past her.

There was a sudden rage in her blood and she wanted nothing else than just ran over him right now.

"I'm done with this patriarchal minds." She muttured and her horse ran faster as if he understand.

Few more grunts. Few more hits. Few more men. And now she was close to the finishing line.

"Only a little more. " she encouraged herself.

"For all the women. " she said to herself.

Suddenly there were two man on her both sides and one came in front of her. They covered her way leaving no place to run. The man in front of her slowed down instead of faster to win the race.

Oh so now it's not about to 'win' the race.  Now it's about 'not to let her win' the race.

She couldn't believe that instead to running to win, they got united to not let her win'.

"You all chauvinist pigs." This time she gave a hard hit on her horse back. The horse understand the sign and push  through from left side. The person on the left did something really cruel this time. As she was moving ahead he hit a very harsh blow of crop on her back.

She almost jerk ahead and grunted bad.

But she knew she had to move on. She can't stop. 

"A little more. Don't give up.  " a harsh pull on the hold and there they crosses the line.

But as soon as she crossed the line, the man behind her throw his crop at her  in annoyance. It hit her shin and made her buckle while going down.

That's wasn't annoyance of coming second.  It was annoyance of letting a female win.

Thank you so much.

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Next.....Randhir and sanyukta first meetingWho is excited????

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